AUTISTIC AUTISM IS treatable? MOUTH Today incorporate the experience of a father with their autistic children. In these lines by the treatment and explains how a diet to eliminate metals in her body, her children were almost healed.
This experience has been taken from a forum of autistic children
Hello ya all, I love sharing what I
wife, my two sons and I heme twins Vivid in the two last years. For if da clue for their respective roads in this enriquecedor Calvario Tocado that we should live.
first thing that I can now say with total security is that autism is not only treatable with therapies, but is primarily a medical problem and should be treated as such, ie medically.
My wife and I followed the following steps:
1 º) We are looking for other parents who have a child had been cured of autism, or at least had recovered almost completely. And do not live far from our city.
2 º) Once we find them, (which was not easy) we ask you to tell us as hicieron.Fuimos home and introduced us to his son who is now 15 years old. Showed us videos of autism when he was deep and even came to self-harm. Somehow were showing us how it was before starting biological treatments. And with the child there before we could see really had changed, and we conversarcon him. (I remember when I asked the child to summarize in one word just as he remembered his childhood, he said: SADNESS). And the mother told us that seem to not hear and do not look at the eyes, not to say that not aware of what they are told. His son remembered things from when I was very ill and could not communicate. And his mother confirmed that we were correct.
3 º) We ask you to tell us we had to do for our children, then aged 3 years old, could heal. And they told us that the first thing was to find a DAN doctor as he treated his son. (By the way, I have not said that the child's mother is a doctor of emergency, but she and most doctors here in Spain had no idea about autism ...)
4 º) contacts with the same doctor who helped your child. His name is John Furlong and lives in New York. He came to Spain two or three times a year to see their patients and the rest of the time traces made by Internet. His travels to Spain and stay three or four days he was paid to all parents who wanted him. In Spain there is an association called AVA (Association Overcoming Autism) and continue losprotocolos DAN.
5 º) We became members of AVA to have all the latest information on biologic therapies and to have access to the same doctor as this was cheaper to us through the association.
6 º) The DAN doctor after a first interview, she sent the children to various types of analysis to any laboratory in our country had the right technology to support them. These tests were: Analysis of Organic Acids, Peptides and Testing Testing in Hair Metal. We asked what was the U.S. lab could do and gave us the names of 3 different laboratories. We chose the so-called Great Plains Laboratories because there had made them laspruebas the child had been healed.
7 º) When we receive the results we were astonished because our kids were poisoned by mercury, aluminum, arsenic and lead. And the presence in their bodies of toxic metals had also produced a lot of gaps in essential minerals for health. Were lack of lithium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, etc .... and they also damaged the intestines making them more permeable to the account so that the blood trickled just as damaging as peptides casomorphin, that comes from casein, which is the milk protein that has ... (If you send me your email, I promise to send all the results of all tests we've done in the past year and a half. My Email is personal:
8 º) The DAN doctor in the light of the results we prescribed the following: First put the children on a diet (very hard to do, but what does not make a by a son ... and in our case were two !!...) on a diet free of animal milk and derivatives, wheat free and soy free. At the same time they also removed from their diet all you have artificial colors, preservatives, flavor enhancers, trace amounts of casein and gluten, etc. .. ultimately the best thing was that everything (everything) what you ate that was natural, without going through any process of manufacture, as we move 200 years back in time where housewives were buying and it was all natural products after cooking. Second administered with food a lot of supplements like vitamins, digestive enzymes, probiotics and minerals, which would make its agencies were regulating and stabilizing. We also did a food intolerance test, which put us even harder to find than heck to feed them ... it was overwhelming ... until you get used and that's it.
9 º) What about the children who are you? Well, before you start to give the diet (very strict, not even a candy bar a month or a year ... ... as they tend to carry colorants, and sugar is also good for hyperactive best sweetened with Xylitol molasses or rice ...) and accessories, our children did not speak, did not look into his eyes, did not show his hand, asked not to eat or by signs or did not interact among them, were unknown to each other also ignored the whole world is pulling long hours with his eyes lost in space ... as gone or missing, as we say in Spain were not entirely "to his ball, almost not interested nothing ... good television if, especially Disney movies and other cartoons, they could pull hours watching TV. They also showed obviously a huge hyperactivity attention deficit disorder. At this point they had three years.
10 º) What happened after you start? Then it got worse. They screamed like crazy all day and ran through the house without stopping. It fluttered to the ground and threw his hands as if possessed. Licking and sucking walls metálicas.Pero things we already knew this would happen. They were "hanging monkey" was the period of abstinence, withdrawal of the peptides and all the "junk food "that we stop giving them to put them as they were. lasted about a week and then began what was hard for us to believe ... but we were seeing before our eyes ... the children began to calm down, stopped screaming began to draw, and almost without understanding the words, saying few persons seemed to finally tried to communicate with (or perhaps maybe we could say that at last his mind to be clearer allowed to take more contact with everything around them ...) . It took six months and it seemed that nothing happened, no more advanced, but in their bodies if changes were occurring, until more or less eight months of starting treatment, began to look into the eyes (feeling the eyes of your children is indescribable after four years and say words ...), spontaneity, were interested in things and thank god finally began to interact with each other, sometimes to kill a stick fighting over a toy and others to embrace and chase play one after the other.
11 th) This was accompanied with various types of psychological therapies designed by ourselves after reading the experts on these topics. We had all the mundane tasks were like a game. My wife and I stopped arguing and quarreling ... we note that they were affected to the disharmony. We talked in a tone of love and our home became a major source of positive energy, positive expectation ...
12 º) Throughout the month, we repeated the tests, especially the toxic metal to see how things were going. All supervised by the doctor who changed some supplements as shortcomings in the mineralogramas. They also did it in a laboratory in Germany (called Micro Trace Minerals) evidence of toxic metals in urine, and we confirm the results obtained in U.S. laboratories. They agreed on everything.
13 º) For nearly eleven months we repeat the proof of food intolerance, and intolerance had changed, now had become intolerant to other foods in addition to milk, wheat and soybeans. When I remove the animal milk, started him on rice milk, and now they have become intolerant to rice milk chufa give them we have to prepare every day at home because they sell in stores are preservatives that they can not take. A huge latazo but we want something costs something, and take our children from that well known autism is not easy. Virtually dedicate our lives to them. But as we get results, that gives us strength to keep going.
14 º) children currently have 5 ½ years, and I speak (a lot more than the other) and talk a lot plus with the lowest index of intoxication in the analysis. It is no coincidence. Attend a normal school and his class have a support teacher to help them keep pace with the other children who are normal. Moreover, I tell you: we have always treated us as if they were normal, leaving them to public places where we rode every incredible spectacular to the astonishment of all present, but always told them that a strange-looking saw us "is who are autistic ... " and change their faces. It is important not to be ashamed of ever having a sick child. And you have to remove it and take it everywhere until you get used. Isolate is the worst.
15 º) Well, in two weeks at last begin chelation (a process to eliminate toxins from their bodies) and all you've done so far has been to curb the effects of toxic metals. The case is inside. Understanding the cause toxic buildup not eliminated, but ultimately the cause is genetic. But what genetics is that brand them as they come toxics in their bodies will not be able to push them off as normal children. But if our children were born in a pure world where there was no pollution, you will definitely be normal.
Well, I hope this testimony will serve those who read it. Although the story is missing the last chapter, I promise to tell this forum when it happens, that will I do in the documentary as a film producer I'm doing under the title "Autism is treatable."
Hugs and God Bless.
Love, José Miguel López