Saturday, December 29, 2007

Below Knee Wedding Dresses

Jason McElwain

Avui the web Penjo d'Aquest nen history autistic in the first oportunitat that li gave to play basketball, he wondered all his colleagues, all persons present in the game, the entire school and I imagine all the people who have read his peculiar history.

Sometimes things are not only extraordinary film

Jason McElwain nation on 1 October 1987 in Rochester, a suburbio of New York City. From very small shows a great passion for the sport of canasta, as well Extraño that no one who entered the institute is enrolara the Trojans in the row, the basketball team's center. From

ese momento, and during three years, J-Mac, which as I know his teammates, came punctual as a clock to all practices and games. Statistics controlled, distributed water, encouraged the players, but never played. The reasons? His short stature ... and Jason is autistic.
did not start talking until he was 5 years and even today has difficulty communicating, does not interpret the body language and lacks social skills calls. But these limitations compensates with tremendous willpower and some innate desire to improve.

So, despite the problems associated with their disability, the life of Jason was very similar to that of any other boy his age. But everything changed on 16 February, when the Trojans played the last regular season game against Spencerport. Coach Johnson that day, as a reward for hard work that had been going on for so long, making it reward you wanted to play.

started on the bench, but absent for the final 4 minutes of the meeting, and a lead of 20 points in its favor, it came as expected. Dressed in shirt number 52 and a ribbon to the hair, Jason entered the stadium to the cheers of a given tier, full to the brim.

A few seconds of his debut, received the ball and played a triple loop and did not touch. It was a real stone go. In the next attack his companions returned to assist and Jason was shot close to the basket ... which also entered. That was normal considering the circumstances surrounding the party, so anyone miss the bugs.

But fate is fickle, and that day our hero was destined to do great things. On the third possession they had, got the ball and played another triple from 7 meters, but this time came. The dream had become reality and the stands erupted in a thunderous ovation to congratulate him on what he had done.

What nobody knew at that time was that the display of Jason had just begun. In the next play, again ... to play another three-score again. Then, and almost no time to absorb what just happened, J-Mac came to shooting baskets from beyond the line of 6.25 and drive again. And were 3-pointers in less than a minute. People hallucinating. With reason.

The grandstand chanted his name, his teammates could not believe what they were watching and rivals ... well, rivals had enough with trying to stop the secret weapon that the Trojans had just put on track.

But they could not. It was impossible. When there were less than 2 minutes to the end of the match, Jason again received a ball on offense and, of course, is the play again. The kid was on a roll and pulled up the shoes. But the good thing is that score again. The same thing happened on the next play. And in the next, but this time the basket was 2 points. Jason had no sympathy for the rival, who saw scored his sixth triple at the buzzer marking the end of the meeting.

In just 4 minutes had scored 20 points, the record in school history. Needless to say, at the end of the game, the stands stepped on court to congratulate the hero of the day, he left the field on their shoulders.

With these rushes, the display of Jason had all the ingredients for end up becoming an urban legend that parents explain to their children for generations. But the "problem" was that one of the spectators who attended the meeting did a handheld camera and recorded the game.

Word of mouth did the rest, and the next day the major television networks broadcast images United States. So did the media world. It was such a hit that many media special devoted to the life of Jason, who ceased to be an ordinary kid to become a celebrity.

has since come to the Oprah Winfrey has met George Bush, Magic Johnson, has received ESPN prize awarded to the best sports moment of the year, has made the release of honor at a baseball game, have composed a song in his honor ... there are so many awards that would never end.

And is that the story deserves. It is worthy of a Hollywood movie, do not you think?. Well, actually, your parents have already reached an agreement with Columbia Pictures for this producer is responsible for carrying on the big screen the exploits of Jason. There are stories that deserve to be told and that of Jason McElwain, an autistic boy aged 17, is one of them.

A continuation Penjo a video on podeu veure a summary of partit and the story of Jason McElwain

Thursday, December 27, 2007

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EEC director Estela Interview Comic

now incorporates the website, the interview I made it last week at Rosa Gallego, the director of the Center for Special Education Estela Tarragona. Also take from here to thank you for your collaboration and kindness.
then upload the interview with Rosa Gallego


Thursday, 20 December 2007

- How many autistic children attend school? The

should count but about ten or twelve, what happens when not all of them say they make the diagnosis and classify autism in pervasive developmental disorders, then these disorders in autism also is included. Then the center as there are autistic least four or five, but that within this there are more types of disorders, some ten or twelve.

- What objectives aim to achieve with them?

The global objectives are the same with the other children in school, and achieve maximum autonomy, as we learned so functional They can live as independently as possible when leaving school. Then from there work the same areas as other schools but with a more functional approach, that is, with things that are more practical for them.

- There are different kinds or degrees of autism?

If this is how all people, all are different. Then there are features that remain, such as changes occur when they get very nervous, then they always have to explain when there are any changes, the activities that will make it ... if that is all same, but their reactions to the changes and their way of acting is different.

- hard to treat these children?

Well, not easy, because many times you're not quite sure whether or not understand understand you. The talk and they say things and depends on which side do you interpret how they feel or if you have been understood, and if that is true is that when you establish a relationship, a bond with them is easier to interpret them. We must also say that we can not treat other people like to watch because you also have to think like I say, as ... react. In short have control over the details with any other person angry or should take to prevent bad as they may have done or said something that you do not seem strange but, in contrast to bother them.

- They use some kind of therapy with animals such as horses, dogs ..?

If we take a therapy dog \u200b\u200bthat was very good and like it a lot. Being with the dogs there to be very careful all the time, and off which is very common in them if they like the activity you are doing. So do therapy dogs, since all the time they are with them, the gaze is attentive to what they are doing. Also when the dogs allow them to mark more than rules, for example, and not as a response to react when they are much better with dogs than in any other situation, but also react negatively because they really wanted be with the dogs before they give, and you can negotiate with them more.

- Autistic children suffer?

sure that if, because there are many things that do not understand and can not express. There are times that they do not understand things we say or any given situation and then they created this situation of distress, which leads to inappropriate responses. For example when they are sick they can not express, feel they are in a different way, feel strange, but they can not communicate. So what we are trying to find solutions or strategies because they act this way because it can not be is that it hurts the ear and begin to shout and beat until you figure out what is happening.

- The following question was referred to this, and wondered how expressing an upset stomach, for example.

Dons as I told you now although there are some children who do not act like that and say that it happens, or for example, touching the belly, which lets you know that it hurts. Although many children as I said before and I do not say you have to learn from their actions as yelling, crying, your nervousness ... and then follows that there is something wrong.

- Take medicines autistic children?

There are some that if no other, but not all. Then depends on the situation in the children who are, as there are children who have more anxiety, obsessions over ... so depends on the situation of each child. For example, we have children in the center with a diagnosis of autism that do not take drugs, while we also have children that you take.

- We accept the parents?

This depends on the parents. We think it is very difficult for parents because they see that their child is autistic when they have more than two years, and is different for parents who have children with Down syndrome are born when you see. Then it becomes more difficult for parents with autistic children as living the first two years of their children as if they had any problems.

- If I I remember the case of my cousins \u200b\u200bthat was operated on the ear when they were small because they thought not listening well.

Sure, at first not thought to be autistic and that may have ear problems until about two years when they were diagnosed with autism. So it is very hard for parents because the parents already have a forecast of their children (go to school, will be large, consider a career ...), then this changes everything.

- Autism is hereditary?

This is denied, what happens is that many theories have been made to see what is the origin of the syndrome, and this was one, but now say that this is not true.

- There are differences between the infant stage and the stage of adult disease?

If there are differences, although this also depends on the person, but in most cases that if there were, as with all other people. It also depends on the evolution of each, as there are other children who do not evolve much. But if we talk about most cases, we said that children were evolving slowly, but without radical changes between adulthood and the stage child.

- But in general could make a more or less normal lives as adults?

This also depends on each child, because not all autistic children are equal. So what is it trying to achieve the maximum possible autonomy, and in some cases these children may live in an independent. On the other depending on the constraints that have only needed support, and there would be a third group that should live in a special school. All this depends on the characteristics and developments of each child.

- What is the most effective treatment?

This is difficult as we would if we had the serve. What if you try more than one treatment, there is coordination and there are many relationships between different people working with them. So what we do is facilitate the relationship with us, we understand and understand things that happen around them, but you could say that the most effective treatment does not exist.

- Well now I read that could be intoxicated with metals, what do you think of this?

If you come out of all the theories and theories emerging treatments provéssim return to the crazy, because there is no treatment that has proven to be one hundred percent effective and that could considered ideal.

- Thank you for everything.

Friday, December 21, 2007

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today incorporates blog, a news that tells us that Father is written with an autistic daughter a comic book about his daughter. In this comic tells the dibujante Gallardo naturalidad with humor and the relationship between the author and his daughter. The owner of the comic is " Maria and me. "

Gallardo cartoonist publishes a comic book about her autistic daughter

Miguel Gallardo uses an aircraft absurd to explain what it means to have an autistic son." It's like taking a flight to Italy and wonderful land in the Netherlands. At first I did not understand anything but then you start to see that Holland also has good stuff. Which is not to deny that everything around you constantly remind you how wonderful it is Italy. "Dramatize the same tone the author uses comic book illustrator Mary and I album that deals with his relationship with his daughter, aged 12 . Of course Gallardo has not always been so good developmental disorder Mary. "What's going - he says -. First you pass a stage of denial. This is nothing, I'm going to Curran and you'll see. Then comes the confusion, guilt, grief. We need to move the match. You get to say OK, I have no child that I expected but I have a son. From there you can start building something. " To Mary it was not diagnosed with autism until 8 años.Padre and daughter have a game. Mary has a memory "exceptional" for names and asks Michael to draw people around them or who has only seen a few minutes once. The artist, who has an exceptional memory for names, do what you can. Among the clues given and a little imagination, Mary usually be satisfied. And have a nice collection of portraits with these exercises name. instant drawing should the new style debuted in Three trips Gallardo, his previous book. "I was very careful and attached great importance to the finish. With Mary began to let go and lose the fear that the pictures were not pretty. What interests me now is to say something directly and immediately. It is a hot style." Gallardo shows Three notebooks for travel and Mary and me. There is little difference with publicadas.La comic autobiography is the dominant genre in independent comics for some years. The operator believes that Makoki chart are "very interesting things, but there is plenty navel-gazing ". The trick, he says, is to transform a" small personal story into a story of universal interest. "Mission Accomplished, Gallardo.

EMOTIONS- Maria and I can reassure parents and relatives of autistic and certainly generates empathy with a disorder that, in the words of Garcia, "is a huge bag that fits all." Each case is unique. In fact speaking of espectroautismo. Nobody knows anything, "he added. But it is a story of self-help and informative. At all." Talk about emotions. It tells how I learned to live with the cards that have touched me. It is not as important as what happens to you the way you take things that happen to you. If you have a bad day Gallardo will feel like a shot a few glances and reactions to Mary. But generally does not give a damn. "I have taken the shy. If we go by train and Mary starts to scream, let it because it's his way of expressing himself." Anyway rather save the eyes of an entomologist. Bear this in mind. Source

----> Newspaper website

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

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Autism Autism Development of the first animal

Penja Avui em semble interessant aquesta notícia the web on els Avencas that s'est produint in the investigation de l'autism. The autistic Desenvolupament d'un animal (In this case a rat) will cause researchers to better understand the brain of autistic children, and thus improve treatment of these children. Then upload the news


THROUGH the introduction of a genetic mutation Raton, a group of researchers has created the first accurate model Autism in an animal, according to the meeting have submitted annual American College of Neuropsychopharmacology . This animal model can
entails a huge one that the Help for researchers better understand abnormal brain function human beings autism spectrum disorders (ASD), and improve treatment strategies.
People with classical autism show different types of symptoms: impaired social interaction, problems with verbal communication, etc ... The characteristics of autism usually appear during the first three years of childhood and continue throughout life. Although there is no cure, proper care can foster relatively normal development and reduce behavior deemed inappropriate. People with autism have a normal life expectancy.
These behaviors are given by a series various neuropsychiatric disorders, the most important with Fragile X syndrome and Rett syndrome , which are the two conditions that have resulted in genetically modified mice. "With this research, we study the changes in the brain that lead to autistic behaviors, and this may help us understand more about the progression and treatment of disorders," says Craig M. Powell, a neurologist and psychiatrist at the University of Texas .
For these mice, the researchers replaced 3 normal genes by 3 genes associated with autism in humans, getting a mouse with autism very similar to humans. In fact, this small change is very similar to what occurs naturally in some patients. Dr. Powell watched as these mice reflected clear signs of autism, a reduction in social interaction with other mice and anxiety. Coordination and pain sensitivity, were unaffected.
addition, mice showed a greater capacity for spatial learning, which may seem to increase cognitive ability, as seen in human cases, people who have severe mental or developmental disabilities but extraordinary mental abilities. The probably most famous case, dubbed "Rain Man" in honor of the film .

can not be said now begins a process of testing these mice to test their response to different drugs, with the important to find a possible solution to this disease.

Source: Physorg

Monday, December 17, 2007

•wanted - Bad Or Alive


Avui incorporate the Darro de tres Documentaries on cicle Dins l'Autisme: "Autism: in his own world."
A continuation Penjo
the documentary techniques Fitxa i link per veure directe video.

"AUTISM IS A WORLD" Documentary
United Kingdom - 40 '
Address: Geraldine Wurzburg
Production: Granada International
Sue is a young autistic until age 13 was considered delayed. At that age he began using a small computer to communicate and showed he was smarter than everyone thought. Sue is now a degree in history and writes books about the disease. This documentary tells his story and shows how you can overcome autism and that there is hope for those who suffer this ailment.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Full Lenthg Bang Bros


"Estoy t together" is the title of second documentary about autism that was made to TV2, within the cycle "Autism: in their own world."

then upload the data sheet with a brief summary of the documentary, as well as the link to view the documentary

"Estoy JUNTO A TI"
U.S. - 57 '
Address: David E.
Simpson Production: CS Associates

Autism is a poorly known and often misdiagnosed. Even decades accusing the parents, who were called "refrigerator parents", of being responsible for the problem of children not bond with them. This documentary includes several and moving stories of mothers who struggle to make life easier for children trapped in an incomprehensible world.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

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now incorporates the website, the first of three documentaries that were made to TV2, last November on autism. The first documentary is entitled "Children, like all other."
then upload the data sheet with a brief summary of the documentary as well as the direct link to watch the video.

"HOW THE CHILDREN Tomorrow" Documentary

Address: Jonathan Smith
Production: Century Film school

The London Spa is dedicated to autistic children and youth. Follow the camera during a month of these four students, two boys and two girls. During that time shows the education system still in the center and day to day of these four teenagers, their patterns of behavior, frustration, aggression, emotions, reasoning and method of teaching, outreach, and monitors of the center's director. Link


Wednesday, December 12, 2007

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sense gluten or casein diet

joined the web , informació sense about diet gluten or casein serveix com a qual dels nens tractament autism. I despread document dir-me i arrive different opinions parents who have followed this diet with their children, the general assessment is very positive, since moles claim that this diet because their children have improved greatly, and even some parents believe their child has cured.

casein diet free of gluten for people with and without Autism

nutritional therapy without gluten and casein sin is based on several studies towards accession by doctors as científicos y los Drs. Dohan FC, Karl Reichelt, Paul Shattock and Robert Cade. These studies have encontrado elevados level of the existence of peptides of the proteins of casein and gluten, in many people with autism.

For most people, the digestion of proteins (a process that turns them into smaller particles called peptides, and then into amino acids) is a normal process. However, it was found that many people with autism have difficulty digesting certain proteins properly, allowing blood to enter in the form of peptides. The reason for this poor digestion is often a lack of enzymes that help digestion and excessive permeability of the intestine is making it easier to penetrate the bloodstream.

Gluten is found in wheat, rye, barley, oats, buckwheat and Malta, and casein in milk from cows, sheep, goat and derivatives thereof such as yogurt, butter, ice cream, cheese ...
In the case of proteins such as gluten and casein, some of the compounds that enter the bloodstream and cross the blood-brain barrier have opioid properties. These peptides react with opioid receptors in the brain, causing effects similar to those that cause opioid drugs like heroin and morphine. The peptides from gluten and called gliadinomorfina of casein casomorphin.

has been observed that these components react in certain brain areas such as the temporal lobes involved in integration processes speech and hearing. The elimination of gluten and casein from the diet of many children and adults with autism has yielded very positive results. Indeed, in some cases, it has achieved complete normalization of the child by combining nutritional therapies with effective educational therapies.

is recommended before starting this diet, do a urine test to determine whether there is an excess of peptides. In case it decided to do the diet, experts recommend first removing casein and after about six weeks to remove the food with gluten. It is important to know that if you eliminate dairy products will make sure the child takes the amount enough calcium to avoid deficiencies.

Finally the work
-pages incorporate links to donate on aquesta informació diet:

Autism Network for Dietary Information (Autism Network for Information on Diet):
http: / / -

page diet without gluten or casein
Nutritional Intervention
League Against Autism and Hyperactivity - Autism in Castilian

Research Institute (Autism Research Institute, San Diego, USA)

The Great Plains Laboratory, Inc. (USA) / - Section in Castilian. This laboratory performs tests of peptides in urine. Contact the laboratory in Spain: AVA Association.

Kirkman Laboratories (USA) - Specialist supplements (Super-Nu-Thera) and nutrition for children with autism and PDD.

Monday, December 10, 2007

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ON NOVA RECERCA anomalies dels nens CERVELLO

Avui em semble interessant upload to the web data in a recent study on autism, where it was discovered that children suffering from this disease have more gray matter in certain brain areas than other children did not suffer the disease. The areas of the brain where it found more gray matter are the parietal lobes of the brain, which are associated with empathy, emotional experience and learning through sight. The other area of \u200b\u200bthe brain where it is found more gray matter in the corresponding brain region corresponding to the right amygdala, which is linked to social interaction.
This research is hopeful to find new methods and ways to enfermetat l'tractor draw.
A continuation incorporate the news I tret d'on the informació.

By Susan Kelly CHICAGO (Reuters) - Children with autism have more gray matter in brain areas that control social interaction and visual learning that children without developmental problems, according to a small study released Wednesday.
A group of researchers combined two techniques sophisticated imaging to monitor the movement of water molecules in the brain and detect small changes in gray matter volume in 13 children with Asperger syndrome and 12 healthy adolescents.
Asperger syndrome one of the autistic spectrum conditions. The average age of participants was 11 years.
The autistic children had more gray matter in the parietal lobes of the brain associated with the mirror neuron system, which is linked with empathy, emotional experience and learning through sight.
Children with the condition also showed a decrease in the volume of gray matter lodged in the brain region of the right amygdala, which is associated with varying degrees of impairment in social interaction, the study found.
The researchers presented the results of research at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society North America, held in Chicago.
Unlike earlier technology, the new technique can detect changes in thousands of small sections of the brain, said study author, Manzar Ashtari, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. "We now have more accurate tools," he said in an interview.
Larger amounts of gray matter in the left parietal area of \u200b\u200bthe brain were associated with higher IQs in children in the control group but not in autistic children, since that section of gray matter was not working properly in the past, explained Ashtari .
Autism affects about 1.5 million children in the United States according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The condition usually occurs in the first three years of life and impairs social interaction and communication skills.
Further studies of the structure and brain function to better understand how the minds of autistic children, said Ashtari, who is hoping to find intervention strategies to treat the condition.
"If more and more people try that mirror neurons are responsible in general and are involved in (dysfunction) of children with autism, then I think more people will think, 'how do we strengthen? What we can make for permitirles operate normally? "Conclude the author.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

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Today incorporate the experience of a father with their autistic children. In these lines by the treatment and explains how a diet to eliminate metals in her body, her children were almost healed.
This experience has been taken from a forum of autistic children

Hello ya all, I love sharing what I
wife, my two sons and I heme twins Vivid in the two last years. For if da clue for their respective roads in this enriquecedor Calvario Tocado that we should live.

first thing that I can now say with total security is that autism is not only treatable with therapies, but is primarily a medical problem and should be treated as such, ie medically.

My wife and I followed the following steps:

1 º) We are looking for other parents who have a child had been cured of autism, or at least had recovered almost completely. And do not live far from our city.

2 º) Once we find them, (which was not easy) we ask you to tell us as hicieron.Fuimos home and introduced us to his son who is now 15 years old. Showed us videos of autism when he was deep and even came to self-harm. Somehow were showing us how it was before starting biological treatments. And with the child there before we could see really had changed, and we conversarcon him. (I remember when I asked the child to summarize in one word just as he remembered his childhood, he said: SADNESS). And the mother told us that seem to not hear and do not look at the eyes, not to say that not aware of what they are told. His son remembered things from when I was very ill and could not communicate. And his mother confirmed that we were correct.

3 º) We ask you to tell us we had to do for our children, then aged 3 years old, could heal. And they told us that the first thing was to find a DAN doctor as he treated his son. (By the way, I have not said that the child's mother is a doctor of emergency, but she and most doctors here in Spain had no idea about autism ...)

4 º) contacts with the same doctor who helped your child. His name is John Furlong and lives in New York. He came to Spain two or three times a year to see their patients and the rest of the time traces made by Internet. His travels to Spain and stay three or four days he was paid to all parents who wanted him. In Spain there is an association called AVA (Association Overcoming Autism) and continue losprotocolos DAN.

5 º) We became members of AVA to have all the latest information on biologic therapies and to have access to the same doctor as this was cheaper to us through the association.

6 º) The DAN doctor after a first interview, she sent the children to various types of analysis to any laboratory in our country had the right technology to support them. These tests were: Analysis of Organic Acids, Peptides and Testing Testing in Hair Metal. We asked what was the U.S. lab could do and gave us the names of 3 different laboratories. We chose the so-called Great Plains Laboratories because there had made them laspruebas the child had been healed.

7 º) When we receive the results we were astonished because our kids were poisoned by mercury, aluminum, arsenic and lead. And the presence in their bodies of toxic metals had also produced a lot of gaps in essential minerals for health. Were lack of lithium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, etc .... and they also damaged the intestines making them more permeable to the account so that the blood trickled just as damaging as peptides casomorphin, that comes from casein, which is the milk protein that has ... (If you send me your email, I promise to send all the results of all tests we've done in the past year and a half. My Email is personal: )

8 º) The DAN doctor in the light of the results we prescribed the following: First put the children on a diet (very hard to do, but what does not make a by a son ... and in our case were two !!...) on a diet free of animal milk and derivatives, wheat free and soy free. At the same time they also removed from their diet all you have artificial colors, preservatives, flavor enhancers, trace amounts of casein and gluten, etc. .. ultimately the best thing was that everything (everything) what you ate that was natural, without going through any process of manufacture, as we move 200 years back in time where housewives were buying and it was all natural products after cooking. Second administered with food a lot of supplements like vitamins, digestive enzymes, probiotics and minerals, which would make its agencies were regulating and stabilizing. We also did a food intolerance test, which put us even harder to find than heck to feed them ... it was overwhelming ... until you get used and that's it.

9 º) What about the children who are you? Well, before you start to give the diet (very strict, not even a candy bar a month or a year ... ... as they tend to carry colorants, and sugar is also good for hyperactive best sweetened with Xylitol molasses or rice ...) and accessories, our children did not speak, did not look into his eyes, did not show his hand, asked not to eat or by signs or did not interact among them, were unknown to each other also ignored the whole world is pulling long hours with his eyes lost in space ... as gone or missing, as we say in Spain were not entirely "to his ball, almost not interested nothing ... good television if, especially Disney movies and other cartoons, they could pull hours watching TV. They also showed obviously a huge hyperactivity attention deficit disorder. At this point they had three years.

10 º) What happened after you start? Then it got worse. They screamed like crazy all day and ran through the house without stopping. It fluttered to the ground and threw his hands as if possessed. Licking and sucking walls metálicas.Pero things we already knew this would happen. They were "hanging monkey" was the period of abstinence, withdrawal of the peptides and all the "junk food "that we stop giving them to put them as they were. lasted about a week and then began what was hard for us to believe ... but we were seeing before our eyes ... the children began to calm down, stopped screaming began to draw, and almost without understanding the words, saying few persons seemed to finally tried to communicate with (or perhaps maybe we could say that at last his mind to be clearer allowed to take more contact with everything around them ...) . It took six months and it seemed that nothing happened, no more advanced, but in their bodies if changes were occurring, until more or less eight months of starting treatment, began to look into the eyes (feeling the eyes of your children is indescribable after four years and say words ...), spontaneity, were interested in things and thank god finally began to interact with each other, sometimes to kill a stick fighting over a toy and others to embrace and chase play one after the other.

11 th) This was accompanied with various types of psychological therapies designed by ourselves after reading the experts on these topics. We had all the mundane tasks were like a game. My wife and I stopped arguing and quarreling ... we note that they were affected to the disharmony. We talked in a tone of love and our home became a major source of positive energy, positive expectation ...

12 º) Throughout the month, we repeated the tests, especially the toxic metal to see how things were going. All supervised by the doctor who changed some supplements as shortcomings in the mineralogramas. They also did it in a laboratory in Germany (called Micro Trace Minerals) evidence of toxic metals in urine, and we confirm the results obtained in U.S. laboratories. They agreed on everything.

13 º) For nearly eleven months we repeat the proof of food intolerance, and intolerance had changed, now had become intolerant to other foods in addition to milk, wheat and soybeans. When I remove the animal milk, started him on rice milk, and now they have become intolerant to rice milk chufa give them we have to prepare every day at home because they sell in stores are preservatives that they can not take. A huge latazo but we want something costs something, and take our children from that well known autism is not easy. Virtually dedicate our lives to them. But as we get results, that gives us strength to keep going.

14 º) children currently have 5 ½ years, and I speak (a lot more than the other) and talk a lot plus with the lowest index of intoxication in the analysis. It is no coincidence. Attend a normal school and his class have a support teacher to help them keep pace with the other children who are normal. Moreover, I tell you: we have always treated us as if they were normal, leaving them to public places where we rode every incredible spectacular to the astonishment of all present, but always told them that a strange-looking saw us "is who are autistic ... " and change their faces. It is important not to be ashamed of ever having a sick child. And you have to remove it and take it everywhere until you get used. Isolate is the worst.

15 º) Well, in two weeks at last begin chelation (a process to eliminate toxins from their bodies) and all you've done so far has been to curb the effects of toxic metals. The case is inside. Understanding the cause toxic buildup not eliminated, but ultimately the cause is genetic. But what genetics is that brand them as they come toxics in their bodies will not be able to push them off as normal children. But if our children were born in a pure world where there was no pollution, you will definitely be normal.

Well, I hope this testimony will serve those who read it. Although the story is missing the last chapter, I promise to tell this forum when it happens, that will I do in the documentary as a film producer I'm doing under the title "Autism is treatable."

Hugs and God Bless.

Love, José Miguel López

Friday, December 7, 2007

Does A Vibrator Desensitize The Clitoris?

could soften

By Michael Conlon CHICAGO (Reuters) - Fever can temporarily unlock autism in children, a finding that could shed light on the origins of the disorder and provide clues for treatment, said Monday a group of researchers.
It appears that fever restores communication between brain cells in areas autistic brain, restoring a child's ability to interact and socialize during the fever, the study said.
"The results of this study are important because they show that the autistic brain is plastic, or capable of altering current connections and forming new ones in response to different experiences or conditions," said Dr. Andrew Zimmerman, a pediatric neurologist at the Kennedy Institute Krieger of Baltimore, one of the authors.
The study, published in the journal Pediatrics, was based on 30 children with autism aged 2 to 18 years who were observed during and after a fever of at least 38 degrees Celsius.
More than 80 percent of those who had fever showed some improvements in behavior and 30 percent had dramatic improvements, the researchers said.
The change involved, for example, longer periods of concentration, more speech, better eye contact and better relationships with adults and other children in general.
Zimmerman's team said the fever effect had been noted in a anecdotal earlier by parents and doctors.
Lee Grossman, chief executive of the Autism Society of America, said he had seen in his own son, now 20 years.
Grossman stressed in an interview that the study's authors had said more study was needed on the effect of fever and its implications. "It's good to have realized this and are taking further," he said.
People with autism spectrum disorders suffer various degrees of limitation in social interaction, lack of verbal and nonverbal communication and other skills. It is not known what causes the disease.
About 1.5 million Americans have some form of austismo, according to data from the Autism Society of America.
According to Zimmerman, but currently there is no definitive medical treatment, speech therapy and expression, which began as soon as possible after diagnosis, "may be significantly important. "
Zimmerman considered fever research, headed by colleague Laura Curran," an exciting track "that could help find the way to a treatment reconnect the autistic brain.
is believed that the effects of fever occur only in children, whose brains are more "plastic" than adults, said the neurologist.