After a time unable to upgrade due to the great work I've had in college, I take these first days of vacation to hang a story that could serve to improve the treatment of autism in the future. Scanners
deficits in processing sound in autistic children
study says that this difficulty may underlie the language and audio impairments found in the disorder

The researchers used magnetoencephalography (MEG), which records the tiny magnetic fields associated with electrical brain activity to detect the slight delay in autistic children exposed to beeps, tones in pairs, vowels and sentences at different speeds, tones, and frequencies.
findings were expected to be presented Monday, December 1 at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) in Chicago.
"This delay in processing certain types of sounds and flow problems may underlie language processing and communication seen in children autistic, "he told a press conference given by the RSNA researcher Timothy Roberts, vice president of research in the radiology department at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.
This feature of autism found in brain activity could eventually become a biomarker for improve the classification of the disorder in support of treatment planning and therapy, he added.
"Hopefully in the future, such features are also revealed in the infant brain to help diagnose autism and allow earlier intervention" he said. incorporated