Saturday, March 26, 2011

Transfer Vba Files Togpsphone

LUCY LAWLESS THE SEXY villain could wish




Thursday, March 24, 2011

Best Working Fta Reciever

Estonia in Castilian Literature: "The same river" by Jaan Kaplinski

Image presenting himself in the river
Central del Raval in Barcelona. From left to right, Daniel Ortiz, editor of Stair, Albert Lazaro
Tinaut, Jaan Kaplinski and Laura TALVET.

(Photo: Joan-Francesc Ainaud)

For hard in the task of making known the peripheral literatures European mosaic, such as transient, the appearance of any book belonging to one of them is no reason only satisfaction but also of celebration, so we must thank and celebrate the efforts of editors and translators who made this possible.

In this case it is essentially autobiographical novel of the internationally best known Estonian writer today, Jaan Kaplinski entitled E same river l ( Seesama jogi in its original version) [1] , translated by Laura TALVET and Francisco Javier Garcia Hernandez and published by Ediciones Ladder of Madrid, a great little project launched just over three years by a courageous couple Canary, Daniel Peñate and Thalia Ortiz Luis Casado.

Transient Kaplnski Jaan met some fourteen years in Tartu, his hometown, when translated into Castilian, in collaboration with Jüri TALVET, some of his poems, which were then published by Francisco Uriz, then director ( 1998) of the Casa del Traductor de Tarazona, a plaquette titled Nothing but Anything else, in the collection "Papeles de Tarazona.

Jaan Kaplinski, born in Tartu on 22 January 1941, is the son of Polish Jewish descent, Jerzy Kaplinski (born 1901), who did not have time to learn, as the henchmen of Stalin deported and disappeared into the Gulag Archipelago, where he probably died in 1944. He was a cultured and intelligent man who worked as a reader of Polish at the University of Tartu. The writer's mother, Nora Raudsepp (1906-1982), born in the southern city of Võru, belonged, instead, to a wealthy family estonia, was a dancer and was able to complete their studies in Germany and France. It was also a translator, poured into Estonian works of Balzac, Chateaubriand, and Anatole France and was co-author of an abridged version in prose and in French (Paris, 1930), the country's national epic, the Kalevipoeg , R Friedrich . Kreutzwald (1803-1882), considered the founder of Estonian letters.

Jaan Kaplinski in his childhood.
(Source: Õpetajate Leht , 24.10.2008)

As narrated in the first chapters of The same river, Kaplinski spent his youth surrounded by women and taboos and restrictions-those who know all totalitarian regimes: the inability to express themselves freely, access to certain books, to interact with foreigners, to know the truth of history, to practice any religion without barriers other than the ideology of the regime to make known the true personality in the case of homosexuals (not yours), sexual intercourse outside the scope of legally constituted groups, because sex in the USSR simply "did not exist", and so on. Hence they, too, the obsession that the author says in the novel to lose their virginity and their frustrated attempts achieved.

But back to the biography of Jaan Kaplinski. He studied French at the University of Tartu, the most prestigious in the eastern Baltic and one of the most prestigious of the Soviet Union, while he studied and applied structural linguistics, a discipline that continues to interest and you want to pay more attention in the coming years, as manifested now. Man of wide horizons, also wanted to know about Celtic mythology, which he was passionate, and above all, Eastern thought.

finished his studies (he obtained his degree in 1964), approached the world of nature-the very concrete and multiple deity common to all peoples of northern Europe, which based their old pagan beliefs, "as a researcher at the Botanical Garden of Tallinn. Then he returned to Tartu, where he succeeded another great poet, Ain Kaalep (Tartu, 1926), as guardian of young translators at the University.

The former KGB headquarters in Tallinn. A plaque outside her door
remember these words:
"This building housed the headquarters of repression
organ of Soviet power.
Here began the road to suffering of thousands of Estonians ".

was at that time, in 1980, when Jaan Kaplinski was involved in clandestine political cultural resistance against the intense Russification of Estonia. He was among the signers of the Neljakümne kiri ( 'Charter of forty'), which proposed a peaceful dialogue with the Soviet regime to present certain claims. He became, immediately suspicious of dissent, so the KGB (the feared Soviet Committee for State Security) He was questioned and even searched his house. It had been known as a poet and polemicist, so that initiative, although frustrated, was a change in mindset and attitude for many intellectuals committed and has since closely monitored.

When Estonia declared its independence again (August 20, 1991), lost in 1944 with the forcible incorporation of the USSR, Jaan Kaplinski was active in the press and published numerous articles polemic, especially with nationalist right and the Church, and between 1992 and 1995 was also a member of Riikogu (Parliament) of the Republic of Estonia.

facade of the Parliament of the Republic of Estonia, located
in the old castle Toompea (Tallinn).

(Photo: Albert Lazaro Tinaut)

later began an intense period as a journalist and lecturer, was an associate professor at the University of Tampere (Finland) and went hard to write , taking advantage of some international scholarship that allowed him to move away from income-generating activities. In 1994 he entered the Académie Universelle des Cultures, founded two years earlier by the Hungarian Jewish writer Elie Wiesel (awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1986).

The outstanding personality Kaplinski intellectual independence, based on a social democratic thinking and liberal, who has defended at all times with tenacity. It is and has always been a man committed to the best values \u200b\u200bof society, without losing sight of the humanism in its purest essence: the ancestral relationship of humans with nature from which we came.

Jaan Kaplinski
caricatured by Aivar Juhanson as an ancient pagan deity
(Source: Delphi Pilt,

Moreover, after have thoroughly analyzed the communist totalitarianism, has denounced the insidious oppression of capitalist society and the way it affects individuals. Among his views, the transient thinning of the blog that seems interesting and paradoxical cruel irony that contains:
"Communism and consumerism are two sects secular Christianity originated. As the first and is disappearing from the world stage, the second enjoys unprecedented success, conquering a nation and a continent after another and even used religion for their interests. What is the result of this process of globalization and concentration? A citizen of the former Soviet Union already has a name for the next brave new world: the Soviet Union or call reborn Soviet Union ".

In the field of literature, Kaplinski has been recognized primarily as a poet, although he has also written prose, plays and essays. He acknowledges the influence on his work by other poets such as Rimbaud, Eliot and Pound. Do not forget, moreover, their important task as a philosopher and cultural critic. His literary work has been rewarded three times with the Annual Award for Literature Estonian (1996, 2000 and 2010), the prestigious poetry prize Liiv Juhan (1968) and the award of the Baltic Assembly (1997). He has also participated in many festivals of poetry and literature.

Equally important is his work as literary translators. His extensive knowledge of languages \u200b\u200bhas been allowed to pour into Estonian works by French writers (Gide, Saint-Exupéry ...)
Czechs (Vladimir Holan) Swedish (Tomas Tranströmer), as well as Anglophone poets and authors of English expression as Octavio Paz, translated the poetry, and Carlos Fuentes, who has translated into Estonian Death of Artemio Cruz . Interestingly, among his translations of youth found a fragment of the Cantar de Mio Cid .

Jaan Kaplinski
reading his poems in the Annikin Runofestivaali (poetry festival Annikin
Tampere (Finland) in June 2010.


the footsteps of one of his teachers, Uku Masing [2] (the "Master" with a capital, which consistently named The same river, though he said that was not the only and that the novel has, as such, much of fiction ", a work that begins precisely with the funeral Masing in April of 1985), Kaplinski strongly opposed to centralization of Western civilization and sought his ideas, especially in the most ancient philosophies regarding the nature, such as Buddhism and Taoism. A clear demonstration of interest in the East are his translations of Chinese poetry of Li Po and Du Fu, and the seminal work of Taoism, the Tao Te Ching (better known among us for their phonetic transcription, Tao Te Ching ) of Lao Tzu, "Old Master."

The pedestrian had the honor of presenting, on 16 March, along with Laura TALVET and Jaan Kaplinski own-he spoke at all times in Castilian- The same river in the cozy library crypt La Central del Raval in Barcelona. It is a work in which the author turns, a novel (ie, mixing his personal "I" with "I" literature), his own life experience, empty translating literary and intellectual at the same time, some of the history of your country, subject to the guidelines in Moscow for nearly fifty years, in fact is the story of the Estonia personified the 1960's, when the Stalinist rigidity gave way to a "thaw" and the Estonians began to dream better times, with the return of expatriates forced to Siberia and central Asia, the reunification of families separated by force in terror. Kaplinski, then in his twenties, seeking a spiritual guide and get inserted into the inner circle of "Maestro" who not only assess his early poems, but it will give some basic advice for what would become the vital philosophy of the young.

Kaplinski in Barcelona with a copy of The same river.

(Photo: Albert Lazaro Tinaut)

The work is at the same time, a journey through everyday life of Estonia for years had lost its glory, a journey sometimes tragic, but with playful and even humorous moments, a faithful, after all, the personality of the author cordial man who, however, bothered to talk publicly about his biography and, above all, to remember that his name has begun appearing in the speculative list of candidates for the Nobel Prize for Literature.

The river that appears in the title of the novel, unlike the Heraclitean river of Panta Rhei ('everything flows'), a metaphor the immobile from a totalitarian system whose inner workings are now going to know better, in this sense, the Kaplinski book helps to understand the contradictions of the system from the experience, personal growth and intellectual author of the essential questions is not always the answer. It is an analysis "from within" which meant for a village of western cultural roots, essentially German influence, being subjected to ideas and customs that could hardly understand. Is a path from one winter to another, very different from each other but, paradoxically, just as full of contradictions.

Those interested in the former Soviet totalitarian system is certainly at the same river another point of view, very useful to understand better what were those long years, this endless winter of Estonians.

[1] Jaan Kaplinski: The same river. Translated by Laura TALVET and Francisco Javier García Hernández. Madrid, Ediciones Escalera, 2011. 400 pages. ISBN: 978-937018-7-1.
[2] Uku Masing (1909-1985), theologian, philosopher, philologist and folklorist, was a true humanist in the broadest sense of the word, and a popularizer of cultures that had a primary influence on a generation of Estonian intellectuals, among which is Jaan Kaplinski. Estonia introduced in analytic philosophy, and as stated exceptionally polyglot who knew 65 languages \u200b\u200band was able to translate twenty of them, poured into Estonian countless works of universal cultures, especially Eastern. Are notable translations from Persian, Turkish, Hebrew, Arabic, amhárico, different languages \u200b\u200bof India, etc. Translated, among others, Rabindranath Tagore and Omar Khayyam, Japanese haiku and a full version of the New Testament. One of his last works was the translation into Estonian of some rondalles (traditional stories) Catalan from the original texts Joan Rondallística Amades, the passer had the honor to transmit to you: the book that collects these translations, entitled Paadimehe toed ('The truth of the ferryman') was published posthumously, few weeks after his death.

Do click on pictures to enlarge.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

How Far Away From Couches

Can you believe that there is a genocide against homosexuals?

Can you believe that there is a genocide against homosexuals?

Don Hank
Is there any threat of homosexuals in Western countries will soon be killed by homophobic gangs dangerous?
ridiculous question, right?
No, homosexuals enjoy special privileges here in the West. In San Francisco they are free to move naked through the streets during the gay pride parade on Folsom Street practice real sexual acts in public in view of the unfortunate spectators, including children, who had the misfortune to encounter this scenario. (I will provide links to the photos of this perversion, but if you want confirmation, just need to search Google using the keywords: folsom street gay pride or the like).
Meanwhile many Western governments are affected by the "appalling conditions" of gays, while Christians in the world are losing the right to give testimony of healing and the redemptive power of God through Jesus Christ. The agenda of these tyrants who govern us through covert operations without our consent, it is clear to all who have at least half of the brain: They are eager to end the traditional Christian culture - indeed, any minimally decent culture which includes the traditional wedding, the law and order.
While the new democratic governments in the Middle East massacre the Christian population, while enjoy the full support of almost the entire ruling class - the oligarchy that runs a increasingly dictatorial power through mass media communication university system, "educational" and most of the professional classes, and our own ruling class seeks to care deeply about the persecution of gays.
Shortly after the U.S. government invaded Iraq, Assyrian Christian churches began to be burned and their congregations persecuted, killed and dispersed. Many now live in Sweden. The U.S. government said nothing, pretending that the only enemy was the "terrorism", not Islamic fanaticism. The Coptic Christians in Egypt are, at this time, suffering a similar fate, largely thanks to the collaboration of the West. The armed forces of the new "democratic" Egyptian Obama supported and European leaders attacked a Coptic monastery shortly after Mubarak was ousted from the presidency, baleando and killing several monks. The Muslim Brotherhood, with the support of Barack Obama, is behind the murder and persecution. The Western press is full of mouth closed.
But the oligarchy and the media tell us that those being persecuted are gay and who have dire need of our protection. It is a lie. Homosexuals do not suffer even a fraction of one percent of the persecution that Christians are suffering in the world. However, they are the new protected class, and governments such as Brazil are rushing to help them as if they had been victims of a tsunami, earthquake and nuclear disaster.
In most countries no one dares to mention that produces lifestyle diseases such as AIDS or other STDs. No one can even give advice and assistance to ex-gays or people with unwanted attractions to the same sex. My Brazilian friend Julius Severus was forced to leave their homeland because they advised the men to overcome homosexuality and live life safe, healthy and moral.
He was offering valuable support.
But the leaders of the extreme left in Brazil, starting with former President Lula and now continuing with Dilma Rousseff (which is more virulently anti-Christian and former terrorist implicated in the murder of several people, including an American) says it is illegal to help them overcome their homosexual lifestyle.
Any person who is in that lifestyle is almost caged by law for the rest of life.
Any man who wants to give anal sex for reasons of security, faith or morals, or whatever reason, you are advised to leave Brazil.
There is no room for decency in Brazil, which is being subjected to a barrage of ultra-Marxist and malignancy is not out of this course. The rest of the West is following the same trend.
And most Americans (and Europeans) are not attentive to the moral tragedy that is unfolding in Brazil.
It's time to wake up and try to meet people living on the same side as us. It's time to learn a new vocabulary word: No.
Not us. Not in my country.

July Further details:

Julius Severus caused an "earthquake" when he warned the churches and people of Brazil about the gay agenda and on the reversibility of immoral gay lifestyle.
He is the author of "The Homosexual Movement" published in 1998 by Editora Betania. His work was the first book in Portuguese to expose the intentions of the gay movement.
In 2007, when he helped raise public awareness about the PLC 122, the bill "against homophobia, gay activists began to threaten the Editorial Betania, which under the pressure put the book down. The activists also filed suit against Severe. Since then, federal prosecutors have been trying to put a clamp and lock your items.
probably can not do anything about it now, because you are far from Brazil. However, the largest gay organization in Brazil, which received support from Hillary Clinton to have official accreditation to the UN in 2010, is trying to find its location. This same organization, ABGLT, also filed suit against him.
English Translated from Portuguese by Maria Valarini
English version of this article: Would you believe genocide Against homosexuals?
Blog de Julio Severo English:

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Samsung Installation Software

Jovan Divjak (I)

Jovan Divjak in his office in BiH Gradi Obrazovanje
(Photo Tinaut © Albert Lazaro, 2008)

On Friday March 4, the transient received a terse e-mail in French from her friend Bosnian Dzana: "Good morning, Albert, I hope you are well. Just wanted to inform you that General Divjak was arrested yesterday in Vienna by Interpol at the request of Serbia. Still do not know why ... you soon. " For the Bosnians, Jovan Divjak is still "general", although voluntarily left the country's army, which had helped to form in 1992 [1] , after a political disagreement with the president, Alija Izetbegović.

As luck would have the passer knew Jovan Divjak on October 30, 2008 during a flight from Ljubljana and Sarajevo, in a Slovenian airplane so small that not even he could carry in hand luggage, had to leave on a cart next to the ladder to travel in the hold. At the bottom of that same ladder had a display with various newspapers, and the pedestrian was a copy of Le Monde , the only non-Slavic newspaper of being offered.

Beside him sat a big man and looks strong, he had been talking animatedly, in Serbo-Croat, with a small group of passengers until the commander stuck his head and asked everyone to sit down and fasten their belts. The passer-by the window, began to read the newspaper and, midway through the flight, your seatmate was addressed in French:

- Are you a journalist? "He asked suddenly.

"No, I'm not a journalist.

"And if I am not indiscreet, what it takes to Sarajevo?

So began a conversation that lasted the rest of the trip, which lasted circling, among thick clouds black, until the commander was allowed to land, at no time spoke of himself. It was just after 16 hours, but the night had already begun to fall on the Bosnian capital since the country, located far to the east, zone shares with Spain.

"I expect someone at the airport.

-No. I have some contact in Sarajevo, I have to call some people with whom I stayed, but I do not expect anyone.

The man gave the card passer, asked him to phone the next day and told him to follow him off the plane.
When they arrived, walking in a light drizzle, to the terminal, and passengers while the other was preparing to queuing at the control room of the police, the man made a strong signal to the passer, a little disoriented that time, was after he and two other men, and went to the door of authorities, where he was greeted with a hint of respect and reverence for the police to keep. He said something, the officer took the passport of the passer and, without even identifying him, slammed the entry stamp on a page.

The card
his seatmate gave the passer.

The man who encouraged him to continue walking at a brisk pace. They stopped at the tape where they should leave the luggage and said it was a moment to the bathroom. The suitcases and packages soon appeared, and with luggage in hand, he hastened further step to meet, leaving the terminal, with a young Bosnian. They shook hands as he smiled and exchanged a few words each, and the boy received a short order, both took the luggage and took him under more intense rain, up to an SUV parked nearby, and then the man said the passerby, after asking where you stay:

"I accompany you to the center, which is quite far, and there you can take a taxi to your hotel.

had already completely dark. By the way, this man was showing the various buildings abroad passer while mentioning some military events that took place at specific points of the route during the Bosnian war (1992-1995). It also will show him the passage from one to another of the four municipalities ( Gradsko option)-divided, in turn, local communities ( mjesne zajednice ) - which make up the city, from west to east: Novi Grad ( City Yugoslav, built during the regime of Tito), Novo Sarajevo (built after the First World War), Centar (Austro-Hungarian town) and finally, Stari Grad, the old city or Ottoman historical reminiscences.

An armored vehicle of the United Nations in
Sniper Alley

during the siege of Sarajevo.

The vehicle traveled about from one end to the lengthy boulevard Selimov Mese, that during the siege of the city was called away Snajperska ('Avenue of the snipers' perhaps best known for its English name: Sniper Alley [2] ) lengthwise across the conurbation of Sarajevo over ten kilometers.

Boulevard Mese Selimov in November 2008.
(Photo © Albert Lazaro Tinaut)

Sibilj At the beautiful triangular square in the heart of the popular neighborhood Baščaršija They are full of life the old town of Sarajevo, the car stopped, the young driver took the bags of passers and the man who was serving so well was to talk with the taxi drivers waiting at a stop very close. He gestured to the passerby to come closer:

"This man will take you to your accommodation," he said.

"But ... I have not even had time to change money ... "He said, concerned the passer.

- Do you have a ticket for 5 euros?

Fortunately yes, was a bystander.

"But this bill will be more than happy the driver
- added outlining a smile.

They parted, and the man reminded the passer-by who had to phone the next day morning.

The passerby was staying at the guest house Kandilj nice, not far from where he had taken the taxi. Having known the city could be reached on foot within minutes. There he was a young woman with a wide grin, the first test of the Balkan hospitality, and escorted him to the room she had reserved a room clean and spacious with three single beds, a small table where he had a telephone , paper and pen a neat bathroom, no doubt, had recently been renovated, and a generous window from which you could see the courtyard which gave access to the house. It was cozy place in which the transient planned to spend four nights, which eventually became eight. A quiet place where silence was lord and master until the muezzin from the nearby mosque called to prayer, through the speakers of the battlements, five times a day the Muslim ritual established.

Bistrik The mosque ulica,
a few meters from the guest house Kandilj

(Photo © Albert Lazaro Tinaut, 2008)

After settling and cool off, the transient down to the basement of the small building, where was the breakfast room with a corner furnished with a couple of couches and the floor covered Carpet, with a TV. At the foot of the stairs leading to place a computer was 24 hours a day to serve guests. All simple, nothing you seem luxuries, except some old samovar and some ornaments tastefully hung from the walls and red embroidered tablecloths covering the tables, very low, with their stools, and even lower unsuitable the length of the legs of passers, unaccustomed to Eastern traditions and customs.

Sitting at the computer, the passer is linked to Google and typed the name on the card, that it was not entirely unknown: Jovan Divjak. Wikipedia , with versions in English and Catalan even cleared his doubts:

Jovan Divjak ( Belgrade, March 11, 1937) is a former military Bosnian Serb, Bosnian head of different sectors of Territorial Defense (TO) of the JNA, who left to join the staff of the Army of the Republic Bosnia and Herzegovina (ARBiH) during the Bosnian war and reached the rank of general. Actively participated in defense of Sarajevo during the siege of the city, so it has been known as the "defended Serb Sarajevo and the Serb with a higher military rank in the Bosnian army, although he himself has defined as Bosnian repeatedly. Since the end of the war has written several books and is currently director of the BIH Gradi Obrazovanje (The Education Builds Bosnia and Herzegovina, OGBH), established in 1994.

Jovan Divjak during the war, his uniform

general campaign of Armijo of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

That organization was, in fact, the board had given him. About talks he had with former General Divjak during his stay in Sarajevo and write about your character in future installments transient. Talk of a kind man, friendly, good conversationalist, that that day was also in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwhere he had participated in some activities organized by the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, and had traveled on the same flight of the Slovenian company Adria Airways carried both of the Catalan capital ljubljana airport Brnik, which had a stopover. The pedestrian only aim now in one of those conversations, Jovan Divjak said he was on a long list of alleged war criminals, despite their participation in categorically contradicted the facts against him, and that sword Damocles hanging, then, on his head, but seemed to downplay it.

His arrest at the airport in Vienna on March 3, he was preparing to fly to the Italian city of Bologna, where he was to give a lecture, it was not the first one of the "suspects" as part of that list: in March 2010 and was arrested in London's Heathrow Airport one of them, Ejup Ganic, who was a member of the collegial presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, "but in July the same year a British court dismissed his extradition to Serbia and released him.

Jovan Divjak, the important role he played in defense of Sarajevo during the long siege that the city underwent the Yugoslav People's Army (composed mostly of Serbs and Montenegrins few) and the forces of the self-proclaimed Republika Srpska Bosnia, a siege that began on April 5, 1992 (the day when Bosnia and Herzegovina proclaimed its independence) and ended on February 29 1996, is considered by Bosniaks [3] a national hero: the streets of Sarajevo were filled demonstrators now assert their innocence and demanding his release at the Embassy of Austria.

Jovan Divjak and his wife on the terrace of his home, north of
Stari Grad (the background is the building, now under reconstruction,
of the former National Library) .

[1] The Army of the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina (Armijo Republike Bosne i Herzegovina,
ARBiH ) was the first armed force in the country, independent from Yugoslavia on April 5, 1992. The officially created, ten days after independence, the Bosnian-Sefer Halilović its first commander, that after a few months also would cede control to the Bosnian-Rasim Delić, former Bosnian Serb and Bosnian Croat Jovan Divjak Stjepan Siber. After the war, following the signing of the Dayton Accords (November 1995) form, with the inclusion of the Republika Srpska Army, the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH snag Oružane ).
[2] Durante la guerra de Bosnia (1992-1995) los snipers (francotiradores serbios) tomaron esta avenida, se apostaron en lo alto de algunos edificios, en las colinas próximas o parapetados detrás de tranvías o autobuses, y disparaban indiscriminadamente contra cualquier civil o militar que se les pusiera a tiro. Fue uno de los episodios más terribles de aquel conflicto, ya que dificultó enormemente el abastecimiento de la ciudad que, en absoluto secreto, se hacía a través de un túnel excavado en las proximidades del aeropuerto, túnel por el que también eran evacuados los heridos más graves. Según los datos recopilados en 1995, esos francotiradores mataron a sangre fría a 225 personas (Including 60 children) and wounding 1030. To cross the street, citizens had to use as shields armor of the United Nations, where passers by, or circulated at night at full speed with your vehicle without turning on the headlights. The Bosnians will explain the passerby who had become used to run zigzag in the vicinity of that area to be targeted more difficult to reach with rifles and other automatic or semiautomatic weapons used by the snipers . Transient advised to read (in Portuguese) of a witness in the blog em Written day through link. html cartoon book and The Sleeping Monster , Enki Bilal (Norma Editorial, Barcelona, \u200b\u200b1998).
[3] should distinguish between Bosnian Bosnia and Herzegovina ( Bosnjaci ), formerly called "Muslims" Bosnian Serbs and Bosnian Croats, the three most important towns that make up the State. To these must be added several minorities ethyne.

Do click on pictures to enlarge.