scanners shown, deficits in the Processing of sound in autistic children
After a time unable to upgrade due to the great work I've had in college, I take these first days of vacation to hang a story that could serve to improve the treatment of autism in the future. Scanners deficits in processing sound in autistic children
study says that this difficulty may underlie the language and audio impairments found in the disorder
children who have disorders autism spectrum process sound sound a fraction more slowly than other children, an abnormality that provides knowledge of audio and language problems related to the condition, according to a recent study.
The researchers used magnetoencephalography (MEG), which records the tiny magnetic fields associated with electrical brain activity to detect the slight delay in autistic children exposed to beeps, tones in pairs, vowels and sentences at different speeds, tones, and frequencies.
findings were expected to be presented Monday, December 1 at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) in Chicago.
"This delay in processing certain types of sounds and flow problems may underlie language processing and communication seen in children autistic, "he told a press conference given by the RSNA researcher Timothy Roberts, vice president of research in the radiology department at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.
This feature of autism found in brain activity could eventually become a biomarker for improve the classification of the disorder in support of treatment planning and therapy, he added.
"Hopefully in the future, such features are also revealed in the infant brain to help diagnose autism and allow earlier intervention" he said. incorporated
Today the web, welcome news for the future of people with autism. It is building a house with home automation facilities enabling people with autism can live with the greatest number of possible facilities. The initiative is the Autismo Burgos, and the place is called Casa del Olivo.
home automation facilities for people with autism
One of the challenges of Burgos Autism Association is to provide a future quality of life for people with this disability. The dream is closer because they have managed to enable a home computer, converted into a home that will house 12 adult with autism.
La Casa del Olivo, that's the name of the place has all kinds of technological innovations to facilitate their independence and promote the independence of users. The Robotics Institute at the University of Valencia and the University of Birmingham are working with the Autism Association Burgos for over 8 years to provide programs that help people with this disability to organize the space and anticipate the situations of life, to ensure greater autonomy.
"They study and we experience, then we combining the knowledge and practice," said José Luis Cuesta, the head of Services Autismo Burgos adults. This technology involves the installation in the Casa del Olivo of a control system, detection and security, and integration of new information technologies to improve communication between users and workers that accompany them, facilitate understanding of the environment and promote their autonomy, as well as enabling the improvement of integrated housing service.
The incorporation of these systems in the implementation of the housing service allows not only to ensure security, but through specific adjustments, make the most of this collective deficits: communication, planning time, understanding and solving environmental problems, among others. These tools facilitate the autonomy of the inhabitants. "Through automation is encouraged to have more independence, thanks to a system of notices to the central computer can check whether a user of the house has been raised or if a door has opened," said José Luis Cuesta.
addition, the Olive House has new technologies for people with autism. "With touch screens, working with pictograms, they show how they are" sick, happy, tired, sad ... - and what activity want to do at that time and over a week, "explains Cuesta. "It's a simple system that allows them to touch and move photos through visual language." In addition, other touch screens to help users of the property to "understand that there are times to wait, with a visual clock."
Similarly, we have tried to construct a building that respects the environment, which in its daily operations cause minimal ecological impact and is responsible in terms of sustainability. In this sense, the house has been equipped with solar thermal collectors and systems for efficient lighting and water conservation along with a novel model that captures heat energy from underground and allows us to save on fuel consumption and reducing harmful CO2 emissions.
now incorporated in the blog news that has shocked me and really liked. This is an autistic man who is able to retain in the mind images of whole cities, that is, has an incredible photographic memory. then incorporate the news.
The Human Camera
Stephen Wiltshire is autistic and has difficulty communicating with others. However, his incredible ability to retain images and then draw them, has led him to go and show the world his main hobby.
MeridianosStephen drawing a panorama of Rome. Stephen Wiltshire was diagnosed with autism just three years. Your relationship with others was somewhat anecdotal, lived in his own world and did not begin to say their first words until many years later. However, he developed a hobby for which he had a special ability: drawing.
is not surprising that his first words when he was five years, were "paper" and "pencil." It was this passion that enabled him to communicate with those around you before mastering the language.
major images of his drawings were about cities after an earthquake and cars. Soon, his drawings began to become famous thanks to its participation in a television program on autism with special abilities. But the most striking name and not the quality or style of your drawing, but his impressive photographic memory. Having seen an overview of a building, a city or landscape, can draw it from memory with astonishing accuracy.
Among the challenges that have participated include:
The panoramic picture of Rome (from memory), which used several days after you have seen from the air by a helicopter and the panoramic picture of Tokyo Just as he did with Rome.
Stephen's people like that remind us how little we know about how the human brain and what still remains to be discovered
Avui incorporated to the web, news I've seen posted to the blog of that participant SOCRATES (videotecautista, that m'ha semblat i molt interessant. Aquesta notícia fa reference to a study demostrates that autistic millor els nens the seva Habilitat Carrer Creu amb Despres practice a system of virtual realitat. Virtual reality helps autistic children
Through recent research conducted at the University of Haifa found that children with autism improved their safety skills across the street after practicing with a unique virtual reality.
Through recent research conducted at the University of Haifa found that children with autism improved their safety skills across the street after practicing with a unique virtual reality. "Children with a degree of autism rarely have opportunities to experience or learn to cope with everyday situations. The use of virtual simulations are used in this research enables them to acquire skills that will enable them to be, somewhat independent," teachers expressed Josman and Weiss, Department of Occupational Therapy at the University of Haifa.
The independence of children with autism depends on their receiving treatment in a natural environment. One of the main problems they face is their inability to learn how to cross the street, a necessary skill to lead an independent life. Acquiring this skill would be a step forward in the attainment of independence in children. Most methods for teaching street crossing have been designed for use in the classroom, and have been shown as insufficiently effective among autistic children.
The best way to teach children with autism is through repeated practice in natural environments, but the danger of learning in a natural setting obviously prohibits this method. This is where virtual reality is very effective, as demonstrated by the research team that included Hadass Milika Ben-Chaim, a former student in the Occupational Therapy Program obtain the expertise and Shula Friedrich, Head of Ofer School for Autistic Children, in addition Prof. Josman and Prof. Weiss.
Six autistic children, ages 7-12, spent one month learning how to cross virtual streets, Wait for the virtual light switch in the crosswalk and look from right to left for virtual cars using a program simulator created by Yuval Naveh. Children in the study showed a substantial improvement in the learning process. At the beginning of the study the average child was able to use the 2nd level of the software while at the end they mastered the 9th level, characterized by the increase in vehicles traveling at high speed. Without However, the research team did not have to teach a virtual skill; they wanted to see if the children were able to transfer the skills learned virtual to the real world, the daily routine.
A local area with a street and crosswalk, complete with traffic signals, was used for this purpose. The ability of children to cross the street safely was tested, for example, if they stood and waited on the sidewalk if the green light before crossing.
The children were taken to the practice area before and after their virtual learning. Here too, the children exhibited an improvement in their skills after training on the virtual street, three of the children showing considerable improvement.
One participant, aged 16, had themselves been in school in a program of road safety, but he was not able to learn to cross the street safely. Followed by learning in a virtual environment, he learned to stand on the sidewalk before crossing the street, looking at the color of traffic lights, cross only when the light was green and not wait too long.
"Previous studies have shown that autistic children respond well to computer learning. In this research we learned that the intelligence level or degree of severity of autism does not affect the ability for children to understand both the system and so this is an important way to better the social and cognoscitivas capacity, "resumieron FACULTY Josman and Weiss.
The mother of the autistic triplets UNICORE sites específicos de Andalucía REQUESTS
now incorporates a news website that m has seemed quite interesting, because it is a case similar to my twin cousins, but in this case are three autistic children. In this story, the mother asks for more specialized centers for autistic children and explains some of the qualities of their children. Then incorporate a video where the mother explains the case of autistic children and calls for more and better specialized centers for children suffering from the syndrome autism.
13 years ago, Noel was the mother of Alvaro, Jaime and Alexander are the only triplets Andalusian suffering Pervasive Developmental Disorder on the autism spectrum and their struggle is that the Administration believes special schools for these children because between 16 and 18 do not have nowhere to wear them.
Autism is a disorder that affects one in every 166 children and that turns people into beings incapable of maintaining normal social relationships, living in an isolated world and repetitive do not come in her life.
As explained Noelia to 16 children have specific education, but from 16 to 18, until they can access the schools workshop or integration work, there is "a vacuum", in which their children and as many children " see in their homes. "
"Although there are insufficient facilities and do not cover the needs of these children, especially my children in particular - whose levels within the autistic spectrum are different -" he said.
"We have a very big concern because we think that we drop the work we have done today if they are forced to go to a school with children in worst conditions and most notably in the disorder," said.
In this regard, said that at present these sites most affected are in a worse situation and Alejandro Jaime, so again could worsen their condition and may experience impairments in learning.
After 12 months of age begin to be noticeable differences with the other children. "You think something wrong but like when you go to specialists deny you because they are healthy, the disease is not the same physical and pediatricians are not trained for it," he complained.
was to serve three years when the symptoms became more evident. "We knew they were autistic. The first thing you notice is the disorder in language and social relations. They were reluctant to embrace and not keep looking, "he added.
Within the scope of this biological disorder there are several levels that meet those affected similar traits. The case of Alvaro, Jaime and Alexander, who despite being twins experience different degrees, are defined as 'autistic wise', because they have highly developed specific skills.
Jaime opted for memorizing ability. It is able to recall brands of cars, calendar dates, and names literally. Álvaro has always their hands, something he calls "inventions", figures created from clay and machined parts. For his part, Alexander, 'the artist', has an enormous capacity for drawing and is capable of performing from the age of six puzzles over 1,000 pieces in a matter of hours.
unclarified There are many causes that can cause autism, but not a real reason listed as the source of this syndrome. So far, studies have shown a biological origin, which explains the case of Noel as being twins share many biological characteristics.
on autism research shows that most autistic children do not suffer, are completely unrelated to the lie, the playfulness, sarcasm and damage is on it who are not aware of what differentiates them from the rest. Viven involved in a particular universe. "These are the only thing that encourages us, to know that without waiting, in its way, are happy," he said.
more cases of autism increased despite the elimination of mercury from vaccines Autistic
now incorporates the website very interesting news regarding the investigations and discoveries being made about the causes of autism. The elimination of mercury from vaccines has not helped reduce the number of cases of autism indicates that the causes were not vaccines, and researchers should focus on other research such as genetics, where the latest Research indicates that children with autism or other disorders have alterations to chromosome 16.
California study
autism cases continue to rise despite the removal of mercury from vaccines
Since autism was discovered in the forties, there have been numerous theories that have sought to provide an explanation for this disorder. The latest pointed to the possibility that an ingredient in some childhood vaccines, thimerosal, could be responsible for this neurological disorder. However, new research has shown that the number of cases in California continued to rise significantly despite the fact that this compound is eliminated almost complete from 2001.
Thimerosal is a mercury derivative preservative (almost 50% of its composition is ethyl mercury) that are frequently used in the manufacture of vaccines and other pharmaceutical products from its discovery in the thirties. The fact that children receive the majority of 'punctures' in the stages before the onset of symptoms of autism, raised suspicions that some ingredient of the vaccine could hold the key to understanding their origin.
The latest evidence against the mercury theory, widely held by the groups opposed to the vaccination of children, comes from California (USA). As can be read in the journal Archives of General Psychiatry, a team led by Robert Schechter, California Department of Public Health studied the prevalence of autism spectrum disorders between 1995 and 2007 in children between three and 12 years.
Given that thimerosal was eliminated from most vaccines in the U.S. in 2001, the authors explain that the rate of children with autistic spectrum disorders should have decreased dramatically in that period if that were the case. But the data show that it was not on the contrary, in 10 years this figure rose from 0.3 children per 1,000 births (in 1993) to 1.3 per 1,000 in 2003. The peak is highest among those born in 2000 (4.5 cases).
In search of other possible external factors Those responsible for this report believe that, despite its results, we must continue to explore possible external risk factors (and therefore preventable) to give to the cause of autism. The hypothesis that a modifiable factor could cause the problem, they acknowledge, is encouraging, so you have to keep investigating and evaluating the prevalence of autism in the coming years.
According to Eric Fombonne, an expert from Children's Hospital in Montreal (Canada) and author of an editorial on this subject in the same magazine, these findings should serve to reassure parents with autistic children, "so they know that the problem did not originate in vaccination, and have their children vaccinated as normal."
This study, Fombonne says, adds new and overwhelming evidence to previous studies that have found no link between childhood vaccines and autism. He asks, "How many more are needed negative work? And how much more spending of public money may justify [to further explore this issue]?". In his view, the holding of the beliefs of families with young affected too often been used as an excuse for promote alternative treatments, "with no proven effectiveness and often with some risks."
A genetic error
Coinciding with the publication of this study, other work has advanced the issue of The New England Journal of Medicine shows that there is an alteration in a region of chromosome 16 may explain the susceptibility genetics of certain individuals to suffer any of the 60 disorders included in the autism spectrum.
According to the researchers from Massachusetts General Hospital (U.S.), these genetic errors are present in 1% of families with multiple cases of autism, in 1% of the autistic individuals and 1.5% of the people with Delay in development. "And yet the idea that apoyan chromosomal aberrations [and duplications is missing] contribute to the molecular provokes Autism."
Today on the web an article on a new communication technique used in autistic children the school Santa Teresa de Jesus de Granada, as a result of a project undertaken by the University of Granada. This project consists of a PDA with pictograms showing images that may mean eating, drinking or want. According to those involved in the issue, this PDA is serving to support families i pot the Situació molt millor family. Autistic
to 'talk' with one finger
The University of Granada idea PDA program for children with disorders to communicate.
"At breakfast, showered the dishes." In the special school Santa Teresa de Jesús de Granada, interpret what they wanted for breakfast children required a lot of patience, and reminds the teacher Manuel Gonzalez, 40. But now, some children have small hands agendas computer, PDA, and show them what they want. "It's over the rain of plates and forks," says the expert, who has spent 15 years working with autistic children. According to the Confederation of Autism Spain, one of every 800 people suffers from some autistic spectrum disorder (ASD). At the Institute of Rare Diseases Research estimates that there are around 18,000 children with SAD in Spain.
The school Santa Teresa, part of the association Asprogrades, is one who has participated in the project of the University of Granada has given rise to this program, called Sc @ ut. For now, more than 20 children have used these PDA, although more are being tested in schools of Jaen and Granada.
reflected in the PDA screen whose image can mean pictograms "I", "eat" "drink, different foods or drinks (" sandwich "," custard "milk"). These words are written and reproduced sound. To speak, the child marks the pictogram finger or a pencil. "You must do this in order," says Gonzalez, "can not point to 'sandwich' alone, but 'I want' then 'eat' and then 'sandwich."
Fortiz María José Rodríguez, coordinator of Sc @ ut, explains that parents and educators can adapt to the nature and evolution of the child. This has been done three weeks ago Antonio Caballero, 35, professor of trumpet at the Conservatory Victoria Eugenia de Granada, and his wife, Isabel Pérez, 34 years and working in a department store. They have gotten into the PDA a lot of pictures so your son Raul, aged 7 years, know every moment what to do and where to go. "Always question 'where we're going, where are we going?" Said his father. "Now I show the pictures and when we reached the place is quieter. Before, they started to scream and vomit," he says, "and if I remove the sound, repeat the word that corresponds to the image."
"The PDA greatly improves the situation in families of autistic," said Angel Díez Cuervo, a neurologist and psychiatrist. "That the child can communicate relaxes and prevents frustration poderse not express, something that results in Explosivos Disorders Lights, "he explains.
There is no test to be in Grenada for Sc @ ut. It can download from the website at any PDA / local / scaut. There There is more customized incorporarlos pictograms for the child Avanza. "For us has been a Wonder" STAY Caballero.
today, seeking information on research, I found this father writes a letter to his autistic son. The letter contains many feelings and vision that has the father of her son. Because I liked it and I think interesting, incorporate the web, I hope agradi us.
My son
Although you can read or talk, much less comprehend this letter, I wish to connect how sad I am without you, your school and my job keep us physically removed but never ceased to remind you, you are my engine in my daily struggle. True
are different, but that does not release my sadness. I love and accept you as you are, if your situation requires that you receive from us all our time is because fate has decided to fight together and perhaps, never separate.
My sadness is for my selfishness and vanity, when I say that my world is real and yours is wrong. I can not recognize things differently than that my parents taught me not understand the love if not with hugs and gestures of love.
I am selfish because I strive to be like me, where I force you to love me the only way my poor mind can understand, that you contact me using my language. What a fool I am! If it were another time, another place, another company, possibly you and I'd be normal on the problem.
My sadness, my son, because I try so hard to bring you into my world that I forget to share with you those wonderful times we enjoyed together before I was diagnosed as "special." My greatest sadness is because I always have loved, what is!, I feel you and your silence your eyes shine to me. I, however, I have not learned to love you the way you understand me.
The world we live in lists you as someone who needs attention and that is why we must continue striving to be "normal", but with heart in hand I say: I will fight you and learn to know your world and enjoy . Your regressions will be our pleasure time where we can play and rejoice with each other, as we had always done.
I love you, Javiercito. I'm sure in the near future, find the midpoint of our two worlds and learn each one to experience the best of each.
Hillary Clinton promises more aid for autistic people's history
today incorporates this new website, which refers to the candidate to be president of the U.S. has pledged an assistance of $ 700 million a year for autism research with the aim of promoting treatments, services and education.
Hillary Clinton promising to Help More People with Autism
Washington, 25 November (EFE) .- The aspirante of U.S. Democratic presidential Hillary Clinton, announcing yesterday a ayuda de $ 700 million a year for autism research in order to promote treatment, education and services available.
The New York senator unveiled his plan for autism to more than three hundred people at a rally in Sioux (Iowa), a city where voters are split between Republicans, Democrats and independents, according to the local portal Des Moines Register.
"It is time that we have a government that recognizes the seriousness of autism and address directly, we can help people with autism to live a rich and full life," he said.
According to Clinton, "do not know how to treat autism and even we know the best way to cure it. "
The number of diagnoses of autism has increased from one person per 10,000 in 1993 to one per 150 in 2007. Every year 250,000 children are diagnosed with autism.
Clinton described this disorder as a national health crisis and recalled that autism costs the nation at least 35,000 million dollars a year.
The senator's new plan would include a working group with people with autism who are responsible for identifying gaps in biomedical research on the disorder and behavioral treatments and services for children and adults with syndrome.
A detailed program will provide financial assistance to adults with autism to job training and housing and transition services for young people leaving school, he said.
Other initiatives Clinton as U.S. president would expand access to treatment immediately after diagnosis, raise money for schools to provide teachers with the necessary knowledge about autism and create a national technical assistance center.