Today on the web an article on a new communication technique used in autistic children the school Santa Teresa de Jesus de Granada, as a result of a project undertaken by the University of Granada. This project consists of a PDA with pictograms showing images that may mean eating, drinking or want.
According to those involved in the issue, this PDA is serving to support families i pot the Situació molt millor family. Autistic
to 'talk' with one finger
The University of Granada idea PDA program for children with disorders to communicate.
"At breakfast, showered the dishes." In the special school Santa Teresa de Jesús de Granada, interpret what they wanted for breakfast children required a lot of patience, and reminds the teacher Manuel Gonzalez, 40. But now, some children have small hands agendas computer, PDA, and show them what they want. "It's over the rain of plates and forks," says the expert, who has spent 15 years working with autistic children. According to the Confederation of Autism Spain, one of every 800 people suffers from some autistic spectrum disorder (ASD). At the Institute of Rare Diseases Research estimates that there are around 18,000 children with SAD in Spain.
The school Santa Teresa, part of the association Asprogrades, is one who has participated in the project of the University of Granada has given rise to this program, called Sc @ ut. For now, more than 20 children have used these PDA, although more are being tested in schools of Jaen and Granada.
reflected in the PDA screen whose image can mean pictograms "I", "eat" "drink, different foods or drinks (" sandwich "," custard "milk"). These words are written and reproduced sound. To speak, the child marks the pictogram finger or a pencil. "You must do this in order," says Gonzalez, "can not point to 'sandwich' alone, but 'I want' then 'eat' and then 'sandwich."
Fortiz María José Rodríguez, coordinator of Sc @ ut, explains that parents and educators can adapt to the nature and evolution of the child. This has been done three weeks ago Antonio Caballero, 35, professor of trumpet at the Conservatory Victoria Eugenia de Granada, and his wife, Isabel Pérez, 34 years and working in a department store. They have gotten into the PDA a lot of pictures so your son Raul, aged 7 years, know every moment what to do and where to go. "Always question 'where we're going, where are we going?" Said his father. "Now I show the pictures and when we reached the place is quieter. Before, they started to scream and vomit," he says, "and if I remove the sound, repeat the word that corresponds to the image."
"The PDA greatly improves the situation in families of autistic," said Angel Díez Cuervo, a neurologist and psychiatrist. "That the child can communicate relaxes and prevents frustration poderse not express, something that results in Explosivos Disorders Lights, "he explains.
There is no test to be in Grenada for Sc @ ut. It can download from the website at any www.ugr.es PDA / local / scaut. There There is more customized incorporarlos pictograms for the child Avanza. "For us has been a Wonder" STAY Caballero.
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