Pope calls for Brazilian bishops to publicly denounce abortion elections near
Matthew Cullinan Hoffman
VATICAN CITY, October 28, 2010 ( Notifam ) - Pope Benedict XVI is telling the Catholic bishops Brazil to denounce the ideologies that justify abortion, just days before the presidential election strongly in contention as the favorite candidate to win has been accused of supporting the decriminalization of abortion.
In a speech to a group of Brazilian bishops in Rome for their regularly scheduled visit, Benedict said "the defense of life, we need not fear the opposition and unpopularity, because we must refuse any compromise ambiguity which might conform us to the mentality of this world. "
Calling abortion as" an intrinsically evil act "that" is morally unacceptable and incompatible with the dignity of people, "the pope added that "when political projects contemplated, overtly or covertly, the decriminalization of abortion and euthanasia, the democratic ideal - that is only what it should be when it acknowledges and safeguards the dignity of every human being - is betrayed in its foundation."
"Any advocacy of political human rights, economic, and social, that does not include the vigorous defense of the right to life from conception to natural death, is totally false and illusory," also said the pope.
The pope's words will probably be understood as a statement given to the bishops Brazilian and other religious leaders who have raised their voice, in recent weeks, against the Workers Party and its presidential candidate favored to win, Mrs. Dilma Rousseff.
Mrs. Rousseff and Workers Party have publicly endorsed the decriminalization of abortion in Brazil, but during the race, Rousseff has reversed its previous position. Now she says she is "personally against" abortion and to characterize it as an act of "violence" against women. He has even signed a public document that holds his personal opposition, but has refused to say if she will veto pro-abortion legislation.
The vocal and very explicit opposition of some of the bishops who are part of the Brazilian bishops, such as Luiz Gonzaga Bergonzini of the Diocese of Guarulhos, has been denounced by other Catholic bishops, one of whom accused Bergonzini Gonzaga of violating the laws on political campaigns. His letter, which encourages people to vote against the Workers Party, was removed from the site cyber National Conference of Brazilian Bishops during the election campaign. The pope's words are likely to hold these prelates in their struggles with their more timid colleagues.
To learn about the moral obligations of Catholic political leaders to defend human life, go to the following web pages:
prior coverage related news:
The pro-abortion presidential candidate favored to win, fighting a rising tide of pro-life sentiment
original English version: http://www.lifesitenews .com/ldn/2010/oct/10102810.html
Disclosure: www.julioseveroenespanol.blogspot.com