Wednesday, October 27, 2010

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Chamelly Another courageous witness Stephanie

Chamelly Another courageous witness Stephanie

Hi Julio, "all right ?
difficult days I've lived on this earth.
I come through this email, tell my protest, which has been targeted by vandals and PT rioters in the streets. It is obvious that the truth bother. After all, take to the streets in front of a shirt that reads "ABORTION NO, PT NO, NO PNDH3" and behind "PL122 NO - GOD CREATED MAN AND WOMAN" 'cause aversion and stir in those who are struggling to approve these absurdities in Brazil.
DILM 13 Those who promote the street shouted at me, said I should be jailed, that the message of the shirt was inadmissible, all this occurred in this week, in the center of Taquara, extremely popular site, at 13:00. They are working for PT. Today, a new episode waiting for the bus at Barra da Tijuca, a man cried out loud and clear, in a bus group:''Take off this shirt, bitch!''(Forgive the expression but that it was).
What is this? Do we live in a dictatorship, Julio? Where is our freedom of speech? Where has been the respect for the views of other people? Ah, I know, was eliminated by the monstrous dictator, violent and authoritarian government of President Lula's PT da Silva.
But in the name of God and by the authority which Christ gave us, since we were bought by the blood of Jesus, I will not yield. Not without seeing the miracle happening, really clear and bands making many who still believe in the righteousness of God. Provision
to fast search for prosperity, money, work, relationships all do; I want to see is available for worship and love towards the floor and cry for the thousands of lives are being decimated, killed by cruel methods of abortions. Where? Why not organize pro-life act to alert those who want to see the dangers of these proposals and laws (especially PL 122/06 and NHRP-3)? The church does so many campaigns, why not raise money for this? Are we imprisoned for preaching the truth? I have no fear! But if this is given, it must be soon, before this red party return to power of hell, and destroy our rights and values.
Justice of God does, because we're getting to the point that we remain tied to such cruelty, so much hatred, so many horrible things that are to be established in our land. And worse, many are afraid of the Gospel. We must have fear of God, not fear. The Word of God is our inspiration and faith in these times. FAMILY is losing the right to educate their children is the child who loses the right to be born, are gay couples wishing to adopt children to have a false and manipulative "STABLE RELATIONSHIP" forcing the state to give the civil union law.
Marriage is between man and woman. Educating children is the responsibility of parents. The child has the right to be born.
We are seeing before our eyes God's plan going through the sewers. What have we done? What did the church? Could it be that we need mercy, we need love? What is this indifference that has beaten the church of Christ? We are set apart for God, but as citizens we have rights as anyone else, right of opinion, freedom of expression.
That terrible farce this government has done, "destroying our rights just because we are evangelicals? Does this mean that evangelicals can not protest? Deliver me from this, PT. I hate those who treat the family with contempt, to see the decline which began in Brazil.
Awaken! Day 31 in the polls, try to change the history of this nation. It's what we do.
Julio, congratulations on your fight. You it is a vessel used by God, an instrument of blessing.
not allow the difficulties and persecutions you remove the oil and the audacity to publish such filth, so many things that are being discovered by the chosen people, a thirst for the righteousness of God.
Glory to God for his life. May Jesus bless and keep you, wherever you are.
need to pray for one another. Our battle continues. It is not by force or violence, is by the power of the Word of God. Our struggle is against principalities and powers, we can not intimidate us with this dictatorship we are about to experience. Is pray, pray, pray.
I'll keep using my shirt every day, so many to see and awaken from this deep sleep in which they live, and to investigate these issues of paramount importance . Even being insulted, harassed, whatever. Nothing is greater than my desire to defend the word of the Lord. What pleased me is that people in the streets I encourage! But nothing comparable to Jesus gives me strength to bear the insults and gyrations of the people.
fight the good fight! Ah, PT, and all those fighting for discredit the Word of God, get ready because we have the great day of the trial and the rendering of accounts to God! The Lord will judge them according to the works and hearts of everyone! Let's do our part!
Be with Jesus, Julio!
you soon
Stephanie Chamelly
English Translated from Portuguese by Maria Valarini


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