public policy advocates for abortion and homosexuality appointed to the Academy of Sciences of the Vatican
Matthew Cullinan Hoffman
January 10, 2011 ( Notifam ) - Dr. Miguel Nicolelis, a neurosurgeon Brazilian who was named yesterday to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, is an outspoken advocate of the ideology pro-abortion and pro-gay the new president of Brazil, Mrs. Dilma Rousseff, according to information obtained by Lifesitenews / Notifam.
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Miguel Nicolelis |
In an interview published Oct. 26, Mr. Nicolelis expressed their indignation against "the hysterical right" which, at that time, was campaigning against the nomination of Ms. Rousseff due to pro-abortion views and pro-homosexual.
Mr. Nicolelis complained that religious conservatives in Brazil were following the example of American campaign and attacking "the apparent absence of Christian values \u200b\u200bof their opponent, as manifested by its explicit acquiescence to abortion," as for his "sexual generosity and lack of moral values," which, says Mr. Nicolelis, is represented by the he lists as his "self-approval" of gay civil unions.
also given its endorsement of gay civil unions, Mr. Nicolelis defends the position of Ms. Rousseff in favor of decriminalizing abortion.
Mr. Nicolelis compared to the opponent of Mrs. Rousseff, with the last U.S. President Mr. George Bush. Mr. Nicolelis said, "because, as what matters is victory, no matter what, it matters little George Bush to Brazil thousands of poor women and abandoned each year die in hospitals and emergency rooms in Brazil, victims of horrendous infections caused by unsafe abortions. "
" Mr. George Bush, both the original version and the generic version in the tropics, you probably know many women of her coach, which, due to contingencies and the vicissitudes of life, were forced to abort a fully equipped clinic, conducted by professionals highly skilled and well paid for their work. However, none of these 'George Bushes' have worked for a turn in an emergency room at Hospital das Clinicas, Saul Paulo and have witnessed with their own eyes and ears, death of a teenage victim of generalized septicemia caused by an illegal abortion, and carried out by a butcher posing as a doctor and savior, "he added.
Those selected for the Pontifical Academy of Sciences is appointed by the Pope, after being nominated by eighty members of the academy. These are lifetime appointments. The academy publishes several magazines scientific and acts in an advisory capacity to the Holy See.
Pope Benedict XVI is a strong advocate of the right to life and family values, making it unlikely that he had knowledge of Mr. Nicolelis record when he made the appointment.
Monsignor Ignacio Barreiro, Acting Chairman of the Human Life International / Human Life International, expressed "shocked" by the appointment of Mr. Nicolelis.
"I am shocked to know that Dr. Miguel AL Nicolelis, a Brazilian professor, has been named to this prestigious position in the Vatican. He has a record of criticizing those who want abortion to be prohibited, and explicitly support same-sex unions, "said the Monsignor Barreiro Lifesitenews / Notifam.
"We hope that the Holy See fully investigate the background of Professor Nicolelis," continued Monsignor Barreiro. "We can not allow the pontifical academy is corrupted by the 'Catholics' who claim to be personally against abortion but oppose the Church publicly about this issue and other key issues. This misrepresentation of the truth has no place so near the heart of the Church in its dialogue with the sciences - this is where clarity and truth have its greatest importance. "
requests for an interview with Mr. Nicolelis, handled by phone and email were not answered by press time.
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: academy.sciences @
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: academy.sciences @
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English Translated by: Marlene Gillette Ibern
Source: Notifam
Disclosure: Julio Severo in English
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