Thursday, December 27, 2007

Panasonic Dmp Bd35 Multi Region Hack

EEC director Estela Interview Comic

now incorporates the website, the interview I made it last week at Rosa Gallego, the director of the Center for Special Education Estela Tarragona. Also take from here to thank you for your collaboration and kindness.
then upload the interview with Rosa Gallego


Thursday, 20 December 2007

- How many autistic children attend school? The

should count but about ten or twelve, what happens when not all of them say they make the diagnosis and classify autism in pervasive developmental disorders, then these disorders in autism also is included. Then the center as there are autistic least four or five, but that within this there are more types of disorders, some ten or twelve.

- What objectives aim to achieve with them?

The global objectives are the same with the other children in school, and achieve maximum autonomy, as we learned so functional They can live as independently as possible when leaving school. Then from there work the same areas as other schools but with a more functional approach, that is, with things that are more practical for them.

- There are different kinds or degrees of autism?

If this is how all people, all are different. Then there are features that remain, such as changes occur when they get very nervous, then they always have to explain when there are any changes, the activities that will make it ... if that is all same, but their reactions to the changes and their way of acting is different.

- hard to treat these children?

Well, not easy, because many times you're not quite sure whether or not understand understand you. The talk and they say things and depends on which side do you interpret how they feel or if you have been understood, and if that is true is that when you establish a relationship, a bond with them is easier to interpret them. We must also say that we can not treat other people like to watch because you also have to think like I say, as ... react. In short have control over the details with any other person angry or should take to prevent bad as they may have done or said something that you do not seem strange but, in contrast to bother them.

- They use some kind of therapy with animals such as horses, dogs ..?

If we take a therapy dog \u200b\u200bthat was very good and like it a lot. Being with the dogs there to be very careful all the time, and off which is very common in them if they like the activity you are doing. So do therapy dogs, since all the time they are with them, the gaze is attentive to what they are doing. Also when the dogs allow them to mark more than rules, for example, and not as a response to react when they are much better with dogs than in any other situation, but also react negatively because they really wanted be with the dogs before they give, and you can negotiate with them more.

- Autistic children suffer?

sure that if, because there are many things that do not understand and can not express. There are times that they do not understand things we say or any given situation and then they created this situation of distress, which leads to inappropriate responses. For example when they are sick they can not express, feel they are in a different way, feel strange, but they can not communicate. So what we are trying to find solutions or strategies because they act this way because it can not be is that it hurts the ear and begin to shout and beat until you figure out what is happening.

- The following question was referred to this, and wondered how expressing an upset stomach, for example.

Dons as I told you now although there are some children who do not act like that and say that it happens, or for example, touching the belly, which lets you know that it hurts. Although many children as I said before and I do not say you have to learn from their actions as yelling, crying, your nervousness ... and then follows that there is something wrong.

- Take medicines autistic children?

There are some that if no other, but not all. Then depends on the situation in the children who are, as there are children who have more anxiety, obsessions over ... so depends on the situation of each child. For example, we have children in the center with a diagnosis of autism that do not take drugs, while we also have children that you take.

- We accept the parents?

This depends on the parents. We think it is very difficult for parents because they see that their child is autistic when they have more than two years, and is different for parents who have children with Down syndrome are born when you see. Then it becomes more difficult for parents with autistic children as living the first two years of their children as if they had any problems.

- If I I remember the case of my cousins \u200b\u200bthat was operated on the ear when they were small because they thought not listening well.

Sure, at first not thought to be autistic and that may have ear problems until about two years when they were diagnosed with autism. So it is very hard for parents because the parents already have a forecast of their children (go to school, will be large, consider a career ...), then this changes everything.

- Autism is hereditary?

This is denied, what happens is that many theories have been made to see what is the origin of the syndrome, and this was one, but now say that this is not true.

- There are differences between the infant stage and the stage of adult disease?

If there are differences, although this also depends on the person, but in most cases that if there were, as with all other people. It also depends on the evolution of each, as there are other children who do not evolve much. But if we talk about most cases, we said that children were evolving slowly, but without radical changes between adulthood and the stage child.

- But in general could make a more or less normal lives as adults?

This also depends on each child, because not all autistic children are equal. So what is it trying to achieve the maximum possible autonomy, and in some cases these children may live in an independent. On the other depending on the constraints that have only needed support, and there would be a third group that should live in a special school. All this depends on the characteristics and developments of each child.

- What is the most effective treatment?

This is difficult as we would if we had the serve. What if you try more than one treatment, there is coordination and there are many relationships between different people working with them. So what we do is facilitate the relationship with us, we understand and understand things that happen around them, but you could say that the most effective treatment does not exist.

- Well now I read that could be intoxicated with metals, what do you think of this?

If you come out of all the theories and theories emerging treatments provéssim return to the crazy, because there is no treatment that has proven to be one hundred percent effective and that could considered ideal.

- Thank you for everything.


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