Saturday, October 30, 2010

How To Make Sushi Without Bamboo Mat

The Pope calls on the Brazilian bishops to publicly denounce the elections near abortion

Pope calls for Brazilian bishops to publicly denounce abortion elections near

Matthew Cullinan Hoffman
VATICAN CITY, October 28, 2010 ( Notifam ) - Pope Benedict XVI is telling the Catholic bishops Brazil to denounce the ideologies that justify abortion, just days before the presidential election strongly in contention as the favorite candidate to win has been accused of supporting the decriminalization of abortion.
In a speech to a group of Brazilian bishops in Rome for their regularly scheduled visit, Benedict said "the defense of life, we need not fear the opposition and unpopularity, because we must refuse any compromise ambiguity which might conform us to the mentality of this world. "
Calling abortion as" an intrinsically evil act "that" is morally unacceptable and incompatible with the dignity of people, "the pope added that "when political projects contemplated, overtly or covertly, the decriminalization of abortion and euthanasia, the democratic ideal - that is only what it should be when it acknowledges and safeguards the dignity of every human being - is betrayed in its foundation."
"Any advocacy of political human rights, economic, and social, that does not include the vigorous defense of the right to life from conception to natural death, is totally false and illusory," also said the pope.
The pope's words will probably be understood as a statement given to the bishops Brazilian and other religious leaders who have raised their voice, in recent weeks, against the Workers Party and its presidential candidate favored to win, Mrs. Dilma Rousseff.
Mrs. Rousseff and Workers Party have publicly endorsed the decriminalization of abortion in Brazil, but during the race, Rousseff has reversed its previous position. Now she says she is "personally against" abortion and to characterize it as an act of "violence" against women. He has even signed a public document that holds his personal opposition, but has refused to say if she will veto pro-abortion legislation.
The vocal and very explicit opposition of some of the bishops who are part of the Brazilian bishops, such as Luiz Gonzaga Bergonzini of the Diocese of Guarulhos, has been denounced by other Catholic bishops, one of whom accused Bergonzini Gonzaga of violating the laws on political campaigns. His letter, which encourages people to vote against the Workers Party, was removed from the site cyber National Conference of Brazilian Bishops during the election campaign. The pope's words are likely to hold these prelates in their struggles with their more timid colleagues.
To learn about the moral obligations of Catholic political leaders to defend human life, go to the following web pages:
prior coverage related news:
original English version: http://www.lifesitenews .com/ldn/2010/oct/10102810.html

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

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Chamelly Another courageous witness Stephanie

Chamelly Another courageous witness Stephanie

Hi Julio, "all right ?
difficult days I've lived on this earth.
I come through this email, tell my protest, which has been targeted by vandals and PT rioters in the streets. It is obvious that the truth bother. After all, take to the streets in front of a shirt that reads "ABORTION NO, PT NO, NO PNDH3" and behind "PL122 NO - GOD CREATED MAN AND WOMAN" 'cause aversion and stir in those who are struggling to approve these absurdities in Brazil.
DILM 13 Those who promote the street shouted at me, said I should be jailed, that the message of the shirt was inadmissible, all this occurred in this week, in the center of Taquara, extremely popular site, at 13:00. They are working for PT. Today, a new episode waiting for the bus at Barra da Tijuca, a man cried out loud and clear, in a bus group:''Take off this shirt, bitch!''(Forgive the expression but that it was).
What is this? Do we live in a dictatorship, Julio? Where is our freedom of speech? Where has been the respect for the views of other people? Ah, I know, was eliminated by the monstrous dictator, violent and authoritarian government of President Lula's PT da Silva.
But in the name of God and by the authority which Christ gave us, since we were bought by the blood of Jesus, I will not yield. Not without seeing the miracle happening, really clear and bands making many who still believe in the righteousness of God. Provision
to fast search for prosperity, money, work, relationships all do; I want to see is available for worship and love towards the floor and cry for the thousands of lives are being decimated, killed by cruel methods of abortions. Where? Why not organize pro-life act to alert those who want to see the dangers of these proposals and laws (especially PL 122/06 and NHRP-3)? The church does so many campaigns, why not raise money for this? Are we imprisoned for preaching the truth? I have no fear! But if this is given, it must be soon, before this red party return to power of hell, and destroy our rights and values.
Justice of God does, because we're getting to the point that we remain tied to such cruelty, so much hatred, so many horrible things that are to be established in our land. And worse, many are afraid of the Gospel. We must have fear of God, not fear. The Word of God is our inspiration and faith in these times. FAMILY is losing the right to educate their children is the child who loses the right to be born, are gay couples wishing to adopt children to have a false and manipulative "STABLE RELATIONSHIP" forcing the state to give the civil union law.
Marriage is between man and woman. Educating children is the responsibility of parents. The child has the right to be born.
We are seeing before our eyes God's plan going through the sewers. What have we done? What did the church? Could it be that we need mercy, we need love? What is this indifference that has beaten the church of Christ? We are set apart for God, but as citizens we have rights as anyone else, right of opinion, freedom of expression.
That terrible farce this government has done, "destroying our rights just because we are evangelicals? Does this mean that evangelicals can not protest? Deliver me from this, PT. I hate those who treat the family with contempt, to see the decline which began in Brazil.
Awaken! Day 31 in the polls, try to change the history of this nation. It's what we do.
Julio, congratulations on your fight. You it is a vessel used by God, an instrument of blessing.
not allow the difficulties and persecutions you remove the oil and the audacity to publish such filth, so many things that are being discovered by the chosen people, a thirst for the righteousness of God.
Glory to God for his life. May Jesus bless and keep you, wherever you are.
need to pray for one another. Our battle continues. It is not by force or violence, is by the power of the Word of God. Our struggle is against principalities and powers, we can not intimidate us with this dictatorship we are about to experience. Is pray, pray, pray.
I'll keep using my shirt every day, so many to see and awaken from this deep sleep in which they live, and to investigate these issues of paramount importance . Even being insulted, harassed, whatever. Nothing is greater than my desire to defend the word of the Lord. What pleased me is that people in the streets I encourage! But nothing comparable to Jesus gives me strength to bear the insults and gyrations of the people.
fight the good fight! Ah, PT, and all those fighting for discredit the Word of God, get ready because we have the great day of the trial and the rendering of accounts to God! The Lord will judge them according to the works and hearts of everyone! Let's do our part!
Be with Jesus, Julio!
you soon
Stephanie Chamelly
English Translated from Portuguese by Maria Valarini

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Tattoos On Genital Pic

Where is the Kingdom of God in the dispute between the PT and the PSDB?

Where is the Kingdom of God in the dispute between the PT and the PSDB?

While the advance of the anti-"homophobia" federal government under the PT met with strong opposition Christian, the same types of laws were few obstacles to their advancement in the state of São Paulo as part of the PSDB. What will the Christians now?

Julius Severus
In 1992, the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God had a strong stance against abortion and against Lula and the PT (Workers Party). It was not necessary to be a soothsayer to know that the PT in government would bring abortion and homosexuality - but no one imagined it would be much worse than we thought.
The PT came to power thanks to an appalling misuse of the concept of what the Kingdom of God preached by CNBB (National Conference of Catholic Bishops of Brazil) mostly in favor of the Theology of Liberation. Evangelicals, who had always kept away from the ideology of Lula, ended up joining - under the inspiration Caio Fábio - to this ideology.
In the second half of the decade of 1990, Bishop Edir Macedo began to change radically opinion, going to support abortion and same PT, leading to his wealthy church to walk side by side with Ramos Ariovaldo CNBB and a religious vision in which the PT is a kind of officer executing the policies of his version of "Kingdom of God."
said that the PT would be forgiven for promoting abortion and homosexuality, since "aid to the poor." Anyone who does this is a follower of his version of "Kingdom of God" regardless of what he has done. Therefore, they easily forgive Fidel Castro and Hugo Chávez. It's "anything goes" for the poor: to kill, steal and destroy.
True to his pro-abortion ideology, Macedo today is by Dilma Rousseff abortion candidate. Pastor Silas Malafaia and criticized the pro-abortion stance and pro-Dilma de Macedo, who responded with the argument that Sierra is also in favor of abortion.
would not be prudent to assume that Dilma and Sierra will not governments committed to the cause of abortion and homosexuality. Lula is the sample (and threat) to live of what the government Dilma. The state of São Paulo under the PSDB, with its radical anti-laws "homophobia" is the sample (and threat) to live of what the government of Sierra.
Serra was candid enough to say they support gay civil unions - as he did so publicly Marina Silva, who confessed have the same position as Marta Suplicy - and Dilma disguised their former pro-abortion positions.
Dilma Winning lie will become a cruel reality. By winning Serra, who can stop by the PLC to 122 (the largest project developed anti-"homophobia" in the Congress in Brazil) that the PSDB did for the state version of the law in São Paulo, which reached a tremendous progress? And gay groups proclaim that Serra won because he publicly defended their interests, while Dilma hesitated.
However, Christians are Dilma much more hesitant and Serra, who are in the uncomfortable position of seeing the issue of abortion and "gay marriage weigh on the race.
Those who should have a commitment to the kingdom of God are doing a lot of negotiations, forgetting or not caring to make commitment to political candidates at election time is a bad deal. All that the candidate Lula negotiated in 2002 on abortion and homosexuality, his government never fulfilled. But above all, if the values \u200b\u200bof the Kingdom of God are not negotiable, why do so many negotiations?
Ariovaldo With Ramos Edir Macedo and Theology Integral Mission (Protestant version of the Theology of Liberation) has joined Prosperity Theology to sustain the unsustainable, a government that worked for eight years for abortion, homosexuality , in alliance with Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez and other famous international dictatorship. And what of respect for human rights? Only in speeches. As employed by the PT, Ariovaldo Ramos, Edir Macedo and Bishop Manoel Ferreira, the people of Cuba, Iran, Venezuela and North Korea can continue to be slaughtered under the blind eye of Brazilian diplomacy.
With regard to Marxist ideology - which essentially believes that the center of the universe is holy and generous state "lifeguard" - Serra is not very different from Dilma as Marina Silva itself acknowledged, considering that their parties are in same level of ideology in their backgrounds. The only concern in this election it was the "wave of conservatism", recognized by the press as the main force that is opposed to abortion and homosexuality.
Nobody expected this wave, and although he pleaded not conservative before the wave, Marina ended in the first round to receive the votes of millions of conservatives who voted for her to avoid abortion and homosexuality Dilma and Serra. But his main witness, molded the Theology of Liberation, he was looking at the fence, or washing your hands like a green version of Pontius Pilate. Not a complaint against anti-Christian views or PT Dilma - with whom he worked with a clear conscience for many years - or Serra. Only complaints against conservatism.
Ariovaldo De Macedo and Ramos, nothing is expected, because there is no consistency in the allies of a clearly anti-Christian government. While Macedo explicitly addressed the issue of abortion in a tone of approval, Dilma pro Ariovaldo unveiled its manifesto public, saying: "we express our outrage at the wave of conservatism that has befallen the country during the electoral process." And Marina, in his "Open Letter candidates for President of the Republic Dilma and Serra ", does not mention the issue of abortion and homosexuality even once, but critical openly what she sees as" the stubborn conservatism colonization policy and sacrifice any utopia in the name of pragmatism without limits. "
Is it utopia - involving Marxism, socialism, Theology of Liberation Theology Integral Mission, Progressive Gospel, the Gospel Communist and related - does not deserve to be sacrificed in favor of the one true Gospel ? Do not you deserve to be sacrificed for the moral welfare of millions of families who do not need and do not want governments, saying pro-poor, they are obsessed, sick and demented for abortion and homosexuality?
In Silas, more is expected. His testimony against the PLC 122 and against abortion is remarkable and commendable. But Sierra is publicly support compatible with the values \u200b\u200bof the Kingdom of God? What type of support was in its past support to Lula and Sergio Cabral, two pro-abortion politicians? Marcelo Magno Malta Crivella and also highlights among evangelicals to combat PLC 122, but are with Dilma, who has a history of violence and armed struggle, and today she denies ever being aligned with the PT in its ambition to transform Brazil in a Marxist dictatorship in Latin America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics of the Forum of São Paulo.
will be a great joy to see the defeat of the communist terrorist Dilma , but a victory for Serra will be cause for celebration?
is understood that this choice is not happy, because voters can not choose between a lower solution and a larger solution. On the contrary, is a choice of pain and suffering, especially for men and women who retain high values \u200b\u200bof justice and family, where the only humane option available is to choose between the greater evil and lesser evil. A choice between a government that will bring big problems and one that will bring enormous problems.
The two candidates represent real dangers. Dilma the most; Serra, to a lesser extent. It's like choosing, metaphorically, between a murderer and a rapist. If you choose the murderer, his wife and daughters are raped before their eyes, and in the end, they and you end up dead. If you choose the rapist, you and they escape alive, but they will raped.
What is not fiction or metaphor is that their policies actually lead to the deaths and rapes, in many ways different and real. The deliberate and legalized abortion is murder sanctioned by the state. Homosexuality or sex teaching to children in schools is psychological rape perpetrated by the state. Sanctifying and legally protect the term "sexual orientation" opens the door to all kinds of barbarity and anomalies, including pedophilia, under the "blessings" of the state. Difficult diplomatic relations with Israel and provide them with the bloody dictatorships of Iran and North Korea is to bring death and curse the spirit of Brazil, as well as having links with terrorist groups like FARC and Hamas. All this has made the PT religiously, while half of all that it approves and makes the PSDB (Party of Brazilian Social Democratic candidate Jose Serra).
is why I will not vote for none, but I understand those who, seeing the greater evil of the state coupled PT and transforming Brazil into tyranny, are willing to hold their noses to vote for Serra. However, how to understand those who do not cover their nose and above negotiate?
face evil, the kingdom of God and their values \u200b\u200bare not negotiable, but many key members of the Evangelical Parliamentary Front are selling indecent proposals to change rates. The PT is making buy the conscience of evangelical parliamentarians who until recently saw and warned of the threat of PT projects. Now, under the weight of worldly temptations, they are silent to uncover the truth and only the mouth to praise the good preachers.
However, the trading values \u200b\u200bof the Kingdom of God the Word of God will be fulfilled. Before the government and society of Brazil be punished for their wickedness, the trial will fall on the house of God, starting with the men who bear the title of pastor, bishop, apostle, deputy Gospel, etc. God is not mocked. He will not tolerate forever the trading values \u200b\u200bof the Kingdom of God in exchange for the ideologies of death, destruction and theft, but come elegantly disguised as relief and assistance to the poor.
So, if there are not whom to vote, who do they turn to? King of the Kingdom of God. Nobody understands him policy
A national public announcement and fasting, weeping and prayer could bring to Brazil an increase in the "wave of conservatism" against abortion and homosexuality - a bigger wave to bring justice and freedom from institutionalization of iniquity.
In this election, no one expected a wave against abortion and homosexuality, but she was making the devil tremble with anger and fear.
Who sent you can not send more?
English Translated from Portuguese by Maria Valarini
Version Portuguese or UK Chart Onde de Deus na dispute between PT and PSDB?

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

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The pro-abortion presidential candidate favored to win fight against a growing wave of pro-life sentiment

The pro-abortion presidential candidate favored to win fight against a growing wave of pro-life sentiment

Matthew Cullinan Hoffman , Latin America Correspondent
BRASILIA, October 14 2010 ( Notifam ) - Ms. Dilma Rousseff, at present the favorite to win Brazil's presidential elections, was seen as a sure winner by political analysts only two weeks ago. As the successor chosen by the most popular president in the world, the Hon Luiz Lula da Silva's victory appeared to be Rousseff written in stone.
However, after surprisingly losing the first round of voting on Oct. 3, Mrs. Rousseff now in a close fight and difficult, against a rising tide of sentiment pro-life and pro-family the country, who see Mrs. Rousseff and Workers' Party as the major proponents for controversial measures such as the decriminalization of abortion and homosexual "marriage. It is becoming increasingly clear that if Mrs. Rousseff can not erase his image pro-abortion, could lose the presidency because of this issue.
The first round defeat of Mrs. Rousseff is attributed largely to the campaign carried out through the cyber network for evangelical Protestants and Catholics who urged voters to vote against Mrs. Rousseff and Workers Party and its ideology homosexualita abortion. After the campaign, which included the transmission of a video of a sermon seen by four million Brazilians on YouTube, Ms. Rousseff lost most of the votes he needed a score of three percent, resulting in only 47% of the vote.
Now, as more bishops and priests have added their voices to the chorus of complaint to Mrs. Rousseff, she is finding that his lead over his rival, José Serra, vanishes. Recent surveys have shown that the advantage of Mrs. Rousseff of 13% on Mr. José Serra, a socialist Democrat, during the first round, fell with a score of five percent. At present, it is Mrs. Rousseff Mr. Serra won only 54% to 46%, placing Mr. Serra increasingly close to a victory in the elections on 31 October.
In the days after the defeat, a growing number of Catholic priests and bishops have added their voices to the chorus of complaint to Mrs. Rousseff, including Monsignor Aldo di Cillo Pagotto, Archbishop of Paraíba, who recently disseminated a video of himself denounced the Workers Party for their dishonest tactics and working with international organizations to implement a pro-abortion agenda in Brazil.
The position taken against Mrs. Rousseff and the Workers Party and the pro-life in Brazil is reinforced by recent polls indicating that the vast majority of Brazilians are against continued legalization of abortion in Brazil. A recent survey by the agency Datafollha found that 71% of Brazilians do not want any change in the law, in which imposition of penalties for abortions performed in cases of rape, incest or danger to the mother's life.
Responding to pressure, Ms. Rousseff has begun to pull back from its previously stated position on the issue, which is also broadly supported by the Party Workers regarding the decriminalization of abortion. In recent discussions held in opposition to Serra, has said that she said was against decriminalization, which also says Mr. Serra. However, Mrs. Rousseff has clearly stated that she objects to the filing of charges against the women who come to hospitals after inducing an abortion.
now reportedly Mrs. Rousseff is preparing a rebuttal of the attacks leveled against, and has also obtained a commitment to do the same by the evangelical Protestants who are their allies and who have formed a significant segment of the coalition that brought to power the Workers Party in 1993. The coalition is now threatened by the break with evangelicals on the issue of abortion, as well as for promoting the political agenda homosexualita Workers Party.
However, Mrs. Rousseff attempt to redefine itself as a pro-life candidate is too late to protect her from the consequences of years of pro-abortion activism Workers Party.
Mrs. Roseann Kennedy, a commentator for NBC radio network, said in a recent column that Ms. Rousseff and their supporters have failed entirely to use the word "abortion", and are limiting to issue general statements about the value of life, precisely because they speak, they "run the risk of leaving the campaign of its candidate, Ms Rousseff, even more tangled in contradictions, because the resolutions are Workers Party clear position in favor of abortion. "

Monday, October 11, 2010

Read Chapter 3 Of The Book Death Watch

Chamelly witness Stephanie Valente

Chamelly witness Stephanie Valente

Young contact Julio Severo's blog to tell about their experiences voting in defense of life
Hi Julio, good?
a pleasure talking with you.
I follow his blog since a long time, and comment on what has happened in our country. Attempts to legalize iniquity in our nation, and the promotion of a PLC 122 that hurts our principles, our faith, by a group of citizens authoritarian.
On Sunday October 6, election day, I made a silent protest when I went to the polls in the morning and I spent all day with a shirt that actually is a way to warn about this danger which is called PT, as can be seen in the photos. The most amazing thing is that I had paid in advance to a JPA-Taquara typeface, here in Rio de Janeiro, was commissioned to print some shirts certain phrases, and when I went to withdraw on October 2, the person I attended said that the establishment could no longer do those impressions (???). Well, well, could only be for political reasons! So I decided to do it myself, by hand.
I went to vote, and an official of the polling station, tried to prevent the use of the shirt (?), Unaware that on election day I would yes, make silent protest under the Act 9.504/97. Of course, I exercised my right and I voted, dressed in "ABORTION NO, PT NO", because today I still I can exercise the right of expression without having to use a vice and live in a dictatorship. But until when?
In that same Sunday morning, I went to church I attend, and a caretaker asked me to don a jacket over a shirt, because it was election day and the message was very strong (?). He told me that if I allowed it, it could "backfire." And I want you to know that the worst is not being judged on the street, the worst is to be crucified in the Church, which was in fact what should alert their members about what happens on the racks of Congress, the Senate, where nor are all so cute and so nice as they seem.
how long the church will remain silent and not run counter to everything that is happening in Brazil?
I am proud to read your blog saying truths to see her courage. I am proud to see Silas Malafaia Place 600 hurdles RJ, warning about the procreation of the human species, to see great leaders like Pastor Piragine up a video on YouTube warning to church on major issues choose a PT again.
If within the Church is not about politics, then they should not distribute leaflets or indicate to vote for so and so in elections, right? What hypocrisy! What is the fear that the Church has to be judged, to be crucified by the press? Not the same church that says it has been crucified with Christ? I do not care what they say, if I throw stones, or the church that I attend has a great name. I will not put a blindfold on, and then mourn when our Bible is out of circulation, and be muttering: "Oh, it's so hard to follow Jesus!"
I want to see when things get really difficult, as the Church of Christ will behave.
What I decided to do is a cry without a voice of a person who rebels against an NHRP-3 and PLC 122/06. It is an attempt, who removed?, Change the opinions of people blinded with fantasy and the manipulation of the Red Balloon, the Workers Party and the like to bring to reflection on the great number of murders of our children and homosexual dictatorship to come if you enter this nonsense in this country.
I decided to stay until October 31 with the shirts, to reach more people. I got tired of not seeing anyone doing anything in the quiet church against this nonsense. Be tried or not, crucified or not (I have been crucified with Christ on the cross of Calvary), I will defend my faith, the Word who is my guide. I fear God, not people. This world has nothing to offer. They want to ridicule the word of God, family, children, and all that God dreamed perfect for man. Time for God's people say no to that. I have the courage and go by faith to do what gives me peace ... despite the world.
God has given us a spirit of courage, not cowardice!
A big hug, may God give you strength to continue this work brilliant.
May Jesus bless you.
Stephanie Chamelly
English Translated from Portuguese by Maria Valarini
Internet, abortion and religion alter the presidential elections in Brazil

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Jesse Jane Free Films

The Brazilian government threatens the Catholic Church for its opposition to the pro-abortion presidential candidate

The Brazilian government threatens the Catholic Church for its opposition to the pro-abortion presidential candidate

Matthew Cullinan Hoffman
BRAZIL, October 8, 2010 ( Notifam ) - Mr. Gilberto Carvalho, personal secretary of President Luiz Lula, yesterday warned the leadership of the National Conference of Brazilian Bishops that if the attacks against Mrs. Dilma Rousseff, presidential candidate of the Workers' Party continue, according to the Catholic Church and the government could be revised, as a newspaper report that originated Valor, which was repeated by the Italian news agency ANSA.
The agreement, known as the "concordat" is a kind of treaty signed by the Vatican City and several governments worldwide. The concordat includes Brazilian government support for Catholic schools and other benefits that were granted to the Catholic Church in Brazil in 2009.
Many bishops and priests have opposed the candidacy of Mrs. Rousseff due to its clear position in favor of removing criminal penalties for abortion, which is condemned by Catholic teaching as "an abominable crime."
Today, after report of threat National Conference of Catholic Bishops of Brazil (CNBB) issued a statement distancing himself from the censure of Mrs. Rousseff Brazilian and party workers, while continuing with its appeal to voters to take their decision in light of values \u200b\u200bon human life and family.
The leadership of the bishops 'conference says that "we deeply regret that the name of the bishops' conference - and the Catholic Church itself - has been used inappropriately during the campaign, being subject to manipulation."
The CNBB also states that "... we reaffirm that the bishops' conference does not endorse any candidate, and reiterate that the decision has to be a free and conscious act of every citizen. Faced with such a great responsibility, we urge Catholics to take ethical criteria into account, among which is especially the unconditional respect for life, family, religious freedom and human dignity. "
The CNBB statement also says that "certainly is a right - and obligation - of every bishop in his diocese, to lead his congregation, particularly on matters related to faith and Christian morality," appearing to recognize to the assertions made by prominent Catholic leaders in Brazil, including the President of the first southern division of the CNBB, who denounced the nomination of Ms. Rousseff in videos viewed on YouTube in late September on behalf of all the bishops of each division.
A well-known Catholic priest, who has a program that aired on New Song (Canção Novo), also recently gave a sermon in which he denounced the ruling Workers' Party as pro-abortion, pro-homosexual, and Marxist, and said he would never vote for them or hold a "marriage". The Workers Party is now asking for equal time for the Catholic channel Mrs. campaign Rousseff to respond to the charges brought against him.
While Ms. Rousseff claims to be personally "against abortion," she continues to call for it as "a public health issue," and has not recanted his previously held position in favor of eliminating criminal penalties imposed for the killing of the unborn.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Confirmation Catholic Letter

Brazilian presidential candidate, favored to win, lost in the first round for his position on abortion

Brazilian presidential candidate, favored to win, lost in the first round for his position on abortion

Julius Severus / Matthew Cullinan Hoffman
BRASILIA, Brazil, October 5 2010 ( Notifam ) - The issue of abortion was the main reason that the Brazilian candidate favored to win, Mrs. Dilma Rousseff, but failed to win a majority in Sunday's presidential election, according to Brazilian media.
polls taken during the weeks before the elections, pointing Mrs. consistently Rousseff, who represents the Labor Party in power, with a victory of 59% to 51%. However, Rousseff managed to win only 47% of the vote, one time he fell advantage among evangelical voters, after a distribution of several videos on YouTube assembled by linking Mrs. Rousseff Brazilian Workers Party and the legalization of abortion .
In Estadão newspaper reported that "members of the campaign (the candidate of the Workers' Party) Dilma Rousseff unable to respond effectively about religious matters, such as the legalization of abortion. For them, that was the main reason that made the score he had Dilma, especially among the lower classes, migrated to the candidacy of his opponent, (Mrs.) Marina Silva. "
" During the final phase of the campaign, Dilma began to lose votes among evangelical and Catholic voters because she said so favorable about the proposal for the legalization of abortion in the country, "also noted in the paper.
in the newspaper Folha de Sao Paulo also reported the fall, saying he "lost votes Dilma Rousseff particularly among evangelical voters during the month of September, and during the same period, the rejection of its bid by this group of voters amounted to more than 50%. "
The surprise result of the first round of elections in Mrs Rousseff, was due to a previous massive campaign led by Protestant ministers, Catholic bishops, and cyber newspaper commentators who worked diligently to inform voters who think the same way on the pro-abortion record of Mrs. Rousseff.
As Lifesitenews (Notifam) previously reported, last month an evangelical minister was threatened with legal action by representatives of the Workers Party, after, during a sermon, he encouraged his parishioners not to vote for candidates from the Labor Party because of its pro-abortion political agenda and pro-homosexuality. His sermon was recorded and broadcast on YouTube, and received millions of comments.
After its precipitous drop in the polls, Mrs. Rousseff gave a press conference in late September, claiming she is "personally against abortion," what he called an act of "violence against woman. " However, his explanation seems to have had little effect on the election result on Sunday.
Mrs. Dilma Rousseff, a former Marxist guerrilla who spent three years in prison for activities that took place, was chosen by Mr. Luis Lula da Silva, the ultra-popular President of Brazil, to be his successor . In elections to resolve the tie, she will meet Mr. José Serra of the Social Democratic Party, who won 32% of the votes in the first round. However, the Brazilian Workers Party has won a majority of seats in the National Congress during the first round, ensuring that the hegemony of the party will continue, at least within the legislative branch government.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Mauve Hd Milena Velba

Internet, abortion and religion alter the presidential elections in Brazil

Internet, abortion and religion alter the presidential elections in Brazil

Julius Severus
abortion and religion may have triggered a second presidential round in Brazil.
public opinion polls consistently in recent months came Rousseff giving a victory of 51-59%. Rousseff is the candidate chosen by the popular socialist President Luiz Inacio "Lula" da Silva to replace him as president of Brazil. According to the Brazilian Constitution, a candidate wins when you get a 50% or more, but obviously failed the Rousseff absolute majority and will have to work harder in the second round.
Brazilian Major newspapers have attributed this result to abortion. The Folha de São Paulo reported that "Dilma lost votes among evangelical voters, while the State of São Paulo said that" something new began to take ", then detailed Rousseff, who wanted the liberalization of abortion laws in 2007, "had to leave the public arena now assert that it is against this practice and would not take any initiative propose legislation to legalize abortion. "
The State of São Paulo suggested that "the controversy surrounding the legalization of abortion could have had a greater weight to the reflux of voting intentions for Dilma.
In another article, entitled "Internet and religion may explain decline in PT (a member of the PT, Partido dos Trabalhadores), the same paper says that his fall was due, among other reasons," because Internet controversy about his views on abortion. "
Many websites in Brazil, including Pro-Family News (the Portuguese version of LifeSiteNews) and my blog, have been working to raise awareness among Brazilians about the issues of life. Brazilian election day October 3, revealed the results of that hard work.
In general, Brazilian voters are disillusioned with politics. Except for the issue of abortion, most Brazilians do not take seriously the election and any candidate can be elected. So much so, that was a clown vote en masse in Sao Paulo and, although he is illiterate, is a federal deputy in the National Congress!
Rousseff, which proclaimed Catholic and is the political heir of Lula received 46% of the vote. His main opponent, Jose Serra, a Catholic social democrat, was 32%, and the evangelical Marina Silva got a 19%. Marina, who for many years was a member of the PT, which now belongs to the Green Party has links with Al Gore, famous figure pro-abortion and pro-sodomy.
Lula said that for the first time in Brazilian history, all presidential candidates are socialists. However, he prefers Rousseff, who was a member of a group of communist guerrillas in the 1960 and all likely to be politically more aggressive to push the agenda of the PT.
Although none of them is a legitimate candidate for the family, pro-family leaders from Brazil prefer the "lesser evil." Probably worked. For two months, a YouTube video of a Baptist pastor Paschoal Piragine received nearly 3 million visits. The message it exposes pro-abortion policies and pro-homosexuality in the PT and encourages evangelicals to not vote for him.
For many months, the high popularity of Lula and several public opinion polls marked a sure win and easy to Dilma Rousseff. However, the runoff caused by the abortion issue now casts doubt on his victory.
English Translated from Portuguese by Maria Valarini