Tuesday, October 19, 2010

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The pro-abortion presidential candidate favored to win fight against a growing wave of pro-life sentiment

The pro-abortion presidential candidate favored to win fight against a growing wave of pro-life sentiment

Matthew Cullinan Hoffman , Latin America Correspondent
BRASILIA, October 14 2010 ( Notifam ) - Ms. Dilma Rousseff, at present the favorite to win Brazil's presidential elections, was seen as a sure winner by political analysts only two weeks ago. As the successor chosen by the most popular president in the world, the Hon Luiz Lula da Silva's victory appeared to be Rousseff written in stone.
However, after surprisingly losing the first round of voting on Oct. 3, Mrs. Rousseff now in a close fight and difficult, against a rising tide of sentiment pro-life and pro-family the country, who see Mrs. Rousseff and Workers' Party as the major proponents for controversial measures such as the decriminalization of abortion and homosexual "marriage. It is becoming increasingly clear that if Mrs. Rousseff can not erase his image pro-abortion, could lose the presidency because of this issue.
The first round defeat of Mrs. Rousseff is attributed largely to the campaign carried out through the cyber network for evangelical Protestants and Catholics who urged voters to vote against Mrs. Rousseff and Workers Party and its ideology homosexualita abortion. After the campaign, which included the transmission of a video of a sermon seen by four million Brazilians on YouTube, Ms. Rousseff lost most of the votes he needed a score of three percent, resulting in only 47% of the vote.
Now, as more bishops and priests have added their voices to the chorus of complaint to Mrs. Rousseff, she is finding that his lead over his rival, José Serra, vanishes. Recent surveys have shown that the advantage of Mrs. Rousseff of 13% on Mr. José Serra, a socialist Democrat, during the first round, fell with a score of five percent. At present, it is Mrs. Rousseff Mr. Serra won only 54% to 46%, placing Mr. Serra increasingly close to a victory in the elections on 31 October.
In the days after the defeat, a growing number of Catholic priests and bishops have added their voices to the chorus of complaint to Mrs. Rousseff, including Monsignor Aldo di Cillo Pagotto, Archbishop of Paraíba, who recently disseminated a video of himself denounced the Workers Party for their dishonest tactics and working with international organizations to implement a pro-abortion agenda in Brazil.
The position taken against Mrs. Rousseff and the Workers Party and the pro-life in Brazil is reinforced by recent polls indicating that the vast majority of Brazilians are against continued legalization of abortion in Brazil. A recent survey by the agency Datafollha found that 71% of Brazilians do not want any change in the law, in which imposition of penalties for abortions performed in cases of rape, incest or danger to the mother's life.
Responding to pressure, Ms. Rousseff has begun to pull back from its previously stated position on the issue, which is also broadly supported by the Party Workers regarding the decriminalization of abortion. In recent discussions held in opposition to Serra, has said that she said was against decriminalization, which also says Mr. Serra. However, Mrs. Rousseff has clearly stated that she objects to the filing of charges against the women who come to hospitals after inducing an abortion.
now reportedly Mrs. Rousseff is preparing a rebuttal of the attacks leveled against, and has also obtained a commitment to do the same by the evangelical Protestants who are their allies and who have formed a significant segment of the coalition that brought to power the Workers Party in 1993. The coalition is now threatened by the break with evangelicals on the issue of abortion, as well as for promoting the political agenda homosexualita Workers Party.
However, Mrs. Rousseff attempt to redefine itself as a pro-life candidate is too late to protect her from the consequences of years of pro-abortion activism Workers Party.
Mrs. Roseann Kennedy, a commentator for NBC radio network, said in a recent column that Ms. Rousseff and their supporters have failed entirely to use the word "abortion", and are limiting to issue general statements about the value of life, precisely because they speak, they "run the risk of leaving the campaign of its candidate, Ms Rousseff, even more tangled in contradictions, because the resolutions are Workers Party clear position in favor of abortion. "
Disclosure: http://julioseveroenespanol.blogspot.com


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